
Yesterday afternoon I got a message from my younger sister. She told me that the family’s neighbor and best friend, as well as my teacher before, died in a car accident. At that time I felt like I had a heart attack(心脏病发作), so painful. He was a teacher, such a good person, and was so young. It was just unbelievable.

  I have known Mr Lin for more than twenty years. At that time I was still a little girl in the middle school, our headmaster introduced several young teachers to us in the morning. He was among them. In his early twenties, he was just an elder brother of us, smart, humorous(幽默的) and shy.

Later I went to a high school. It was far away from my hometown. Mr Lin’s small family moved to the new apartment above ours. Then we became neighbors. Later my father left us because of bad health, and my mother lived alone at home. Whenever there was something that my mother couldn’t deal with, Mr Lin helped her quite a lot.

My hometown suffered the flood(洪水) of the century last July. Our middle school was all flooded. Mr Lin sent a sick student to the hospital. Unluckily, he died on the road. And the news arrived hours later after the accident. Suddenly the whole school was in great sorrow(悲痛).


1.What does the underlined word “painful” probably mean in Chinese?

A 羞耻的.

B 痛苦的.

C 危险的.

D 舒服的.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第一段“At that time I felt like I had a heart attack(心脏病发作)”可知当作者听到老师死于车祸的噩耗,感觉就像心脏病发作一样,非常“痛苦”。故选 B。

2.How old might be Mr Lin?

A In his 40s.

B In his 50s.

C Less than 40 years old.

D More than 50 years old.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段“I have known Mr Lin for more than twenty years.”和他刚来作者所在中学时是“In his early twenties”可知作者认识他已经超过 20 年了,且刚认识他是他 20 多岁,由此可知,林老师已经四十多岁了。故选 A。

3.How many people are there in the writer’s family now?

A One.

B Two.

C Three.

D Four.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第一段“my younger sister” 和第三段“my mother lived alone at home”可知作者家里面有妹妹,妈妈,加上作者,一共三个人。故选 C。

4.What was Mr Lin doing when the accident happened?

A Driving a car on the road.

B On his way to the hospital.

C Helping the writer’s mother.

D Moving to a new apartment.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Mr Lin sent a sick student to the hospital.”可知林老师遭受车祸时正在赶往医院的路上。故选 B。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A How to be a good teacher.

B My hometown.

C The flood of the century.

D My good friend and teacher Mr Lin.

解析:选D。D 文章标题题。文章讲述了作者对逝去的老师兼朋友的怀念。故选 D。