
There are now almost one billion overweight(超重的) adults in the developing world. This number was around 250 million in 1980. The number of very overweight people has almost four times in the last 42 years. A report from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) said one in three people is overweight.

The institute wants all world governments to do more to change what people eat. The biggest reason why people are fatter is that they have more money and they are spending it on fast food. Fewer people are eating traditional, healthier food. Steve Wiggins from the ODI said, Changes in lifestyle and advertising have both led to changes.

It’s not all bad news. Two countries (Denmark and South Korea) have done very well in the past few years to deal with the problem. Denmark introduced laws against trans-fatty acids(反式脂肪酸). Restaurants and food producers must be very careful about the kind of fats they use to cook their food. South Korea started a public education program 20 years ago. It warned people about the problems of obesity(肥胖症). Mr Wiggins said, “A few decades ago the government of Korea said we must encourage our traditional foods, which are low in fats and oils, high in vegetables, high in seafood and so on. There was a lot of public education, a lot of training and a sense that Korean food is good for you.”


1.The increased number of overweight adults from 1980 to today in developing countries is _________.

A one billion

B 250 million

C 750 million

D 12.5 billion

解析:选C。C 数字计算题。根据第一段“There are now almost one billion overweight adults in the developing world. This number was around 250 million in 1980.”可知现在发展中国家有近 10 亿成年人超重,这个数字在 1980 年大约是 2.5 亿,即从 1980年到现在,超重的成年人增加了大约 7.5 亿。故选 C。

2.Steve Wiggins thinks people are fatter because of their_________.

A eating habits

B increase of money

C lack of exercise

D ways of life

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段“Changes in lifestyle and advertising have both led to changes.” 可知Steve Wiggins 认为是生活方式和广告的改变导致了这些改变(更多的成年人超重)。故选 D。

3.What has Denmark done to solve the problem of obesity?

A Encouraging traditional foods.

B Offering public education.

C Leading new lifestyles.

D Using related laws.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段“Denmark introduced laws against trans-fatty acids.”可知丹麦出台了反反式脂肪酸的法律,即使用了相关的法律来解决肥胖问题。故选 D。

4.All the following are healthy foods EXCEPT _________.

A chips

B salad

C carrots

D tomatoes

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知韩国在处理肥胖问题方面比较成功,而他们的做法是鼓励传统食物“low in fats and oils, high in vegetables, high in seafood”(低油脂,多蔬菜海鲜)。结合选项可知, A 项“炸薯条”属于高油高脂肪食物,不那么健康。故选 A。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read this passage?

A Health.

B Culture.

C Education.

D Technology.

解析:选A。A 文章出处题。根据文章主题段(首段)可知,文章主要讨论的是发展中国家成年人的超重问题,属于健康版块。故选 A。