

Chinese actress and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Yao Chen shared how social media changed her life on Sept 10 in Tianjin.

In fact, Yao Chen is not tech-savvy at all. She rarely opens her email account, doesn't do online shopping and lives a somewhat "ancient" life. All of a sudden, she met many interesting people through the platform Weibo provided. With her rising number of followers (more than 73 million as of today), the actress felt the power and pressure from social media. And she learned to use the platform as a tool for philanthropy to help people in need.

In June 2010, Yao Chen became the first Chinese honorary patron to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and became a spokeswoman for the organization. Three years later, she was named UNHCR's Goodwill Ambassador.

Yao shares her emotions through social media. The purpose is  to let more people know what's happening around the world and make more people to take action to help those in need.

The birth of her first son "Little Potato" last year added another layer of responsibility on Yao's shoulders. "I want my child to grow up in a better environment, so things I care about were more in detail. When he's older, I want to take him with me to go outside to help others and show him what the world outside is really like."

"Responsibility comes with abilities," Yao said she reminds herself this from time to time.



1.Which of the following is NOT true about Yao Chen?

A She is a Chinese actor.

B She is a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.

C She doesn’t like shopping online very much.

D She has many fans in the platform Weibo.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从第一段可知姚晨是女演员而不是男演员,故A表述不正确,故选A。

2.What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 2?

A Doing good things to help others around you.

B Doing good things to help those in need.

C Doing something to help the old.

D Doing something to help kids.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。从划线词后面to help people in need可猜测出, philanthropy意为“慈善事业”,故B是最佳答案。

3.When was Yao Chen named UNHCR's Goodwill Ambassador?

A In 2010.

B In 2011.

C In 2012.

D In 2013.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。从第三段可知,姚晨2010年成为联合国难民事务的女发言人,三年后成为联合国难民署亲善大使,故可推算出她成为联合国难民署亲善大使的时间是2013年,故选D。

4.Why does Yao shares her emotions through social media?

A To make more people know her.

B To introduce her new films.

C To ask more people to help those in need.

D To make friends.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第四段To let more people know what's happening around the world and make more people to take action to help those in need可知,故选C。

5.What is Yao going to do with her boy when he’s older?

A Take him to travel to many places.

B Send him abroad.

C Teach him to help others.

D Make him an actor.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第五段When he's older, I want to take him with me, to go outside to help others可知,故选C。