
A team from Harvard University in the USA organized a research on sportsmen and sportswomen. They studied how they behave to their opponents(对手) after a fight. It looked at the differences between how men and women made up with each other after same-sex sporting events.

The lead author of the research, Professor Joyce Benenson, said the result was that men spend a longer time and try harder to become friends again with their male sporting enemies than women did with their female competitors. The researchers studied recordings of tennis, table tennis, badminton and boxing(拳击) involving(涉及) men and women from 44 countries. They found that men spent a lot more time than women shaking hands and physically hugging.

Professor Benenson said she was surprised by her findings, especially at how women spent so little time making up with their competitors. She said, “What you’ll see is that many times, females brush their fingers against each other. You’re expected by the sport to do something but with women it’s so unfriendly.” This was greatly different from men. Benenson added, “With the males, even with a handshake, you can see the warmth, the tightness(紧绷) of it.” She said, “I expected this would be the least strong in boxing because you try to kill the other person, but it’s the strongest in this sport. There really is this sense of love for your competitor, which is the point I can’t understand.”


1.What does the underlined part “made up” probably mean?

A 编造.

B 和好.

C 构成.

D 化妆.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第二段的“to become friendsagain”可知 make up 表示“和好,重归于好”。故选 B。

2.What was Professor Joyce Benenson’s conclusion?.

A Men are better at making up after a fight.

B Men spend more time in making friends.

C Women hardly make friends with others.

D Women have fewer female competitors.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,研究结果表明,与女性竞争对手相比,男性花更长的时间、更努力地与他们的对手重新成为朋友。即男性更擅长在比赛结束后与对手和好。故选 A。

3.Which were NOT studied by researchers?

A Boxers.

B Tennis players.

C Football players.

D Badminton players.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题 。 根 据 第 二 段 第 二 句 的 “The researchers studied recordings of tennis, table tennis, badminton and boxing involving men and women” 可知,研究员们研究了网球、乒乓球、羽毛球和拳击这四项的男女运动员,没有提到足球运动员。故选 C。

4.What made Professor Joyce Benenson most surprised?

A Men liked shaking hands with friends.

B Men hugged each other in the game.

C Women were not friendly to each other.

D Women hardly tried to make up with opponents.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Professor Benenson said she was surprised by her findings, especially at how women spent so little time making up with their competitors.”可知她尤其感到吃惊的是女性花很少的时间去与竞争对手和好。故选 D。

5.What is beyond understanding of Professor Joyce Benenson?

A Boxing is the least strong.

B Boxers try to kill each other.

C Boxers show the strongest love.

D There are more boxing competitors.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“I expected this would be the least strong in boxing because you try to kill the other person, but it’s the strongest in this sport.”可知,她本以为拳击运动中最不可能出现运动员向对手表示友好,而结果是拳击运动员向对手展示的友好是这几项运动中最强烈的。故 选 C。