
Italian and French archaeologists have discovered four skeletons and gold coins in the ruins of an ancient shop in the suburbs of Pompeii, officials said on Friday. The skeletons are those of young people, including an adolescent girl, who seemed to pray in the back of the shop near the ancient Roman town when Mount Vesuvius erupted and covered it in ash in 79, said a statement from the area office of the famous archaeological site near Naples.

Three gold coins and a necklace’s pendant(垂饰) were scattered among the bones. In the workshop was an oven which archaeologists think might have been used to make bronze objects. The excavation(挖掘) of that and a second ancient shop started in May near a necropolis(大墓地) in the Herculaneum port area. Archaeologists are puzzling over what kind of business the second shop did. It features a round well which could be reached by some stairs dug out of the terrain(地形). Excavations continue.

Officials said there was evidence the shop had been dug by someone after the eruption on the hunt for treasures buried under the ashes. The coins and the gold pendant, in the shape of a flower, apparently escaped the eyes of those robbers of the shop, the archaeologists said.

In another shocking discovery, the excavation revealed a 4th century B.C. tomb of an adult, complete with vases. Inside the tomb was the skeleton of an adult, possibly male, lying on his back. Near the arms and feet were at least six vases painted black.

Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were ancient Roman towns. Much of the area is still to be excavated, including Herculaneum, which was buried deeper, beneath as much as 80 feet (24 meters) of ash.


1.What was the girl doing when the Mount Vesuvius erupted?

A She was counting the gold coins.

B She was drawing pictures.

C She was shopping around.

D She was speaking to God.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句who seemed to pray in the back of the shop可以得知小女孩是在祈祷。故选D。

2.The Archaeologists are confused by _________.

A who on earth built the oven

B when did the shop come into being

C what was sold in the second shop

D how many people were shopping there

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段Archaeologists are puzzling over what kind of business the second shop did.可以得知考古学家疑惑的是第二个商店是做什么生意的,即卖什么的。故选C。

3.Some people came to the shop after the eruption in order to _________.

A bury treasures under the ashes

B know how to make gold coins

C search for treasures

D continue the excavations

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的someone after the eruption on the hunt for treasures buried under the ashes可以得知,有人在火山爆发后进入被火山灰掩埋的商店寻找金银珠宝。故选C。

4.From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _________.

A there were only six vases in another discovered tomb

B Pompeii was buried beneath as much as 24 meters of ash

C people in Pompeii never suffered from any natural disaster

D people don’t know everything about Pompeii and Herculaneum

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“Much of the area is still to be excavated, including Herculaneum...”可知该地区大部分地方还有待挖掘(考古),据此可知人们对这两个城市并不完全了解。故选D。