
      If you feel like you’ve been paying through the nose for your groceries, you could be closer to the truth than you thought. Supermarket shoppers spend more when there’s a smell of fresh fruit in the air, according to research.

     Now the findings could explain supermarkets’ attempts to make us spend our cash. A study timed 300 customers in and out of the supermarket and then quizzed them about how they felt as they shopped, what they smelled and whether they’d bought more or less than planned. No scent was used in the first week, then in the second week a weak aroma(香气) of artificial melon was diffused(扩散) into the food hall and checkout areas. In the final week, the odour was made more intense, by the researchers from the Netherlands and Australia. The evidence, published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, showed that the stronger the scent was, the longer customers stayed in the shop.

      Store-wide data showed the sales rose two percent in the second week and 14 percent when the scent was strongest. The proportion of unplanned purchases by studied shoppers also rose from 33 percent to 43 percent. Some UK supermarkets have previously tried wafting the smell of baking bread from the ovens to their front doors. And Waitrose jumped on the idea last winter, testing out a spicy scent on customers to make them feel more festive during Christmas shopping trips. Last night, a Waitrose spokesman said, “This was popular with customers and we will explore further opportunities to use scent in shops in the future. We always aim to engage all the senses of customers shopping with us.” Sainsbury’s said it doesn’t use the scents but has not ruled them out in the future, while Tesco and Asda did not respond to requests for a comment.


1.When people “pay through the nose”, they _________.

A save much money from the shops

B spend less time in shopping

C get more interested in the smells

D are likely to buy more goods

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。文章第一句说如果你觉得你pay through the nose,那么你可能比想象中更接近事实,接着第二句指出事实(研究发现当空气中有果香味的时候购物者会花更多的钱),也就是说,pay through the nose 和“花更多的钱” 意思接近,选项中 D 项“购买更多的商品”符合题意,故选 D。

2.How long did researchers work in the supermarket?

A For one week.

B For two weeks.

C For three weeks.

D For fourteen weeks.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“in the first week”“then in the second week”以及“In the final week”可知研究人员们在超市里工作了三个星期。故选 C。

3.What will happen if the store uses stronger scent?

A The customers will leave the store more quickly.

B The store will sell more goods.

C The store can give less bargain to customers.

D The customers will be able to save more money.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。结合第二段的并根据第三段第一句 Store-wide data showed the sales rose two percent in the second week and 14 percent when the scent was strongest.可以得知商店的数据表明第二三周的销售数据增加了,也就是说商店里的香气越浓,顾客买的东西就越多。故选 B。

4.Who will benefit most from this research?

A Supermarkets.

B Scent makers.

C Supermarket shoppers.

D The Waitrose spokesman.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。本文介绍了一项关于在超市使用果香或烤面包香气来促使顾客多购物的研究,由此可推断从这项研究中受益最大的应该是出售货物的超市。故选 A。