
An Introduction to KindSpring

How can I use this website?

You can share about your own acts of kindness or read hundreds of inspiring stories by others. You can look through our kindness ideas for every occasion and age group or order Smile Cards. You can also become a part of our online community or subscribe to a newsletter(简报). If you’re up for it, you can also join our 21-Day Challenge!

Do you charge for any of your services?

Everything here is (and always will be) a labor of love. KindSpring is a 100% advertisement-free portal(门户网站), run 100% by volunteers. Our wonderful team is made up of devoted individuals located all around the world. Together we maintain our portal, send out a weekly kindness newsletter, ship Smile Cards all over the world for free and allow people anywhere to download, print and republish our content without limits.

Who runs KindSpring?

KindSpring is run 100% by volunteers who live all over the world. We do not belong to any one field, or culture, nor do we belong to any one religious or spiritual group. What brings us together is simply our devotion to making the world a brighter place — one kind act at a time. Learn more about our wonderful team!

What are Smile Cards?

Smile Cards are business-sized cards that serve as reminders for a game of kindness tag. The idea is, when you do an anonymous(匿名的) kind act for someone, you leave the card behind, to let the one who receives it know that someone reached out to touch their life with kindness, and now it’s their turn to pay it forward by doing something kind for someone else and passing the card along.


1.What can we do on KindSpring according to Paragraph 1?

A Design some special Smile Cards.

B Help to sell its newsletters to raise money.

C Build an online community of your own.

D Share your stories of kindness with others.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。由文章第一段中的第一句话“You can share about your own acts of kindness or read hundreds of inspiring stories by others.”可知,在KindSpring这个网站上,我们可以与他人分享自己的行善故事。故选D。

2.The articles published on KindSpring ________.

A are for everyone’s free use

B are only available to individuals

C mustn’t be published without its permission

D will also be published on its weekly newsletter

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。由文章第二段末尾处的“allow people anywhere to download, print and republish our content without limits”可知,KindSpring这个网站上的内容(包括上面登载的文章)可供世界各地的人们无限制地自由使用。故选A。

3.KindSpring is operated for the purpose of ________.

A starting a 100% advertisement-free website

B building a platform for volunteers to gather

C brightening the world with acts of kindness

D delivering Smile Cards to people worldwide

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。由文章第三段中的第三句话“What brings us together is simply our devotion to making the world a brighter place one kind act at a time.”可推知,该网站的目标是通过善行使世界变得更美好。故选C。

4.What is a smile card used for?

A Helping the card owner improve his/her business.

B Providing information about the next card receiver.

C Reminding the card receiver to do a good deed.

D Showing that the smile card should be passed along.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第四段的第一句“...serve as reminders for a game of kindness tag”以及最后一句的“now it’s their turn to pay it forward by doing something kind”可知,这个微笑卡片是用来提醒接收卡片的人为别人做一件好事。故选C。