
On a hot summer day, my friend Kathy and I drove slowly towards Indiana to our friend’s house. After two hour’s driving, we stopped before a parking lot to order coffee there. “It’s my treat,” I said, trying to find my purse in the back seat, but it wasn’t there. I knew it could easily slip under a seat, so I searched around. But nothing was found. At last I remembered I had left my purse on the roof of the car, in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot. I panicked(惊慌) and was sure that my credit cards had already gone. But something told me to call the Dunkin’ Donuts just in case.
“Oh thank goodness,” the clerk said when I called. “We were going through your purse, trying to find a way to get in touch with you. Someone found your purse lying in the parking lot and turned it in.” Refusing any kind of reward, the shop owner express-mailed it to our friend’s home. 
A few years later, on a snowy Minnesota winter night, my car suddenly broke down and I had to walk home. Before leaving my car, I remembered my purse was still in my pocket. But when I got home, it wasn’t there. I searched again around the seats but my purse didn’t appear. Had I lost my purse again? Knowing my good fortune might not repeat itself, I called the credit card company and my bank to freeze my accounts.
But the next morning I got a call. “Is this Heidi Grosch? We found your purse lying on the ground.” Again, everything was there and the finder refused to accept any payment.
I will always be grateful to those who are kind to restore my purse.


1.According to Paragraph 1, we know that _______.

A the author remembered where she had left the purse

B Kathy didn’t take any money with her on that day

C the author drove to Indiana for drinking coffee

D someone told the author to call the Dunkin’ Donuts


2.Why did the author call the credit card company and the bank?

A To pay off her debt.

B To have her car repaired.

C To pay the finder some money.

D To protect her money’s safety.

解析:选D。推理判断题。文章第三段最后一句called the credit card company and my bank to freeze my accounts说作者联系信用卡公司和银行冻结自己的账户,而冻结账户的目的是为了保护自己银行卡资金的安全。选D。

3.What does the underlined word “restore” in the last paragraph mean?

A Mend.

B Show.

C Return.

D Destroy.


4.How many times did the author lost her purse according the passage?

A Once.

B Twice.

C Three times.

D Four times.


5.Which can be the best title for the text?

A A Frightening Experience.

B From Indiana to Minnesota.

C The Worst Day of My Life.

D Recovery of the Missing Purse
