
International Children’s Day is coming up on June 1. Here we have selected three films from around the world. We think they are the most worthy(值得的) for children to watch.

The White Balloon (1995)

Director: Jafar Panahi

Country: Iran

Razieh wanted a fat goldfish for New Year’s Day. But her family was very poor. She and her brother tried their best to raise the money. Unluckily, she lost the money on her way to the fish store. The kind shop owner heard their story and gifted her with a big fat goldfish. Razieh goes home happily with the goldfish.

Kikujiro (1999)

Director: Takeshi Kitano

Country: Japan

Brash wants to travel long distances to meet his mother, but he has never met her. There are a lot of funny things taking place on the journey. Although he experiences a lot, he never gives up. And in the end, he finds his mother.

Walking to School (2008)

Director: Peng Jiahuang & Peng Chen

Country: China

Wawa, a seven-year-old boy from Yunnan, is very envious(羡慕的) of his sister’s school life. They live in a village far away from the school and there is a wide river between them. His mother refuses to let him go to school because it is very dangerous on the way. Six months later, a bridge is built. Wawa can walk to school happily.


1.The film The White Balloon was made in _________.

A 1995

B 1999

C 2008

D 2010

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第一部影片介绍中The White Balloon (1995).可知,故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “gifted” probably mean in Chinese?

A 礼物.

B 出售.

C 赠送.

D 呈现.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据前文“she lost the money on her way to the fish store”可知,她把买金鱼的钱弄丢了。结合后面一句“Razieh goes home happily with the goldfish”她带着这条金鱼开开心心地回家了,由此可推断老板“赠送”了一条金鱼给她。故选 C。

3.Where might Brash’s story happen?

A In Iran.

B In Japan.

C In India.

D In China.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二部影片介绍中的“Country: Japan” 可知,这部电影来自日本,那么电影中主人公的故事最有可能发生在日本。故选 B。

4.Why doesn’t Wawa’s mother allow him to go to school?

A Because she can’t afford it.

B Because Wawa is too young.

C Because it’s too far for Wawa to go to school.

D Because crossing the river is a danger for Wawa.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第三部影片介绍中的“there is a wide river between them”可知他们家和学校之间有一条大河;结合后文的“because it is very dangerous on the way”可知上学的路很危险,可推断“娃娃”的妈妈不允许他去上学是因为过河很危险。故选 D。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?

A Future Life.

B New Discoveries.

C Culture and Sport.

D News Around the World.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了三部影片,影片应归于文化类,故选 C。