
Katy Perry made music history as the first female artist to produce five Number 1 songs off a single album with 2010’s Teenage Dream. It’s a rare achievement that has only been accomplished by one other artist before now: the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson.

Katy Perry: Part of Me, playing in 3-D, followed the singer as she headed out on her year-long, sold-out California Dreams Tour. While we do get to watch her perform hits like Firework and E.T. onstage, the documentary is far from being a typical concert movie. The audience get a rare peek(窥视) at what goes on backstage and the pressures of life on the road. We also get a look inside the singer’s humble(卑微的) beginnings. Through old home videos and interviews with her family and friends, we learn the depth of Perry’s passion for music starting from a very young age. It’s clear that she’s a natural-born performer. But success didn’t come overnight. It didn’t come easily at all.

Before Perry became famous, she was a struggling, little-known artist playing at small clubs in Los Angeles, California. When she finally did get a break, it didn’t last long. She was bounced around from record label(唱片公司) to record label. It seemed everyone wanted to remake her into someone she wasn’t — the next Avril Lavigne or the next Kelly Clarkson. But she wasn’t those artists. And she never gave in to those demands for her to change. It’s an inspiring tale of what can happen when you believe, persevere and stay true to yourself.

The bottom line is, if you weren’t a Katy Perry fan before, you will be by the time the film ends. And if you are already a fan, well, you may find yourself loving her even more.


1.Why does the author mention Michael Jackson in the first paragraph?

A To show the history of female artists.

B To show Katy Perry’s achievement.

C To show Michael Jackson’s popularity.

D To show the number of albums he released.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“It’s a rare achievement that has only been accomplished by one other artist before now”可知,作者提到Michael Jackson是为了进一步说明凯蒂·佩里的成就。故选B。

2.What do we know about Katy Perry: Part of Me?

A It is one of Katy Perry’s famous albums.

B It is one of Katy Perry’s favorite popular songs.

C It is a documentary recording Katy Perry’s road to fame.

D It aims to advertise Katy Perry’s California Dreams Tour.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The audience get a rare peek at what goes on backstage and the pressures of life on the road. We also get a look inside the singer’s humble beginnings”可知,《凯蒂·佩里:这就是我》(Katy Perry: Part of Me)这部音乐纪录片主要讲述了她成名背后的故事。故选C。

3.What does the underlined part “get a break” probably mean?

A Take a rest.

B Fall on evil days.

C Have good luck.

D Set a world record.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据该词所在句的前一句可知,凯蒂·佩里成名之前,她是一个在加州洛杉矶的小俱乐部里努力奋斗、默默无闻的表演者,后来她终于交了好运,但是并没有持续太久,因为后文提到她辗转于各个唱片公司。由此推断get a break表示“交好运,时来运转”。故选C。

4.Which of the following can best describe Katy Perry?

A Cooperative.

B Romantic.

C Generous,

D Determined,

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“And she never gave in to those demands for her to change. It’s an inspiring tale of what can happen when you believe, persevere and stay true to yourself”可知她从未屈服于那些改变她的要求,且她的故事告诉我们当你相信、坚持并忠于自己时,会发生什么。由此推知,凯蒂·佩里是一位意志坚定、决不妥协的人。故选D。