
Singing in a choir can improve your mental health, a new study has found. Researchers carried out an online survey of 375 people who sang in choirs, sang alone, or played team sports. All three activities produced high levels of psychological well-being(健康), but choristers stood out as experiencing the greatest benefit. The findings could help develop low-cost treatment to improve people’s well-being, researchers suggest.
Compared with the way sports players regarded their teams, choral singers also viewed their choirs as more “meaningful”. Nick Stewart, from Oxford Brookes University, who led the study, said, “Research has already suggested that joining a choir could be a cost-effective(划算的) way to improve people’s well-being.” In previous studies experts claimed that joining a choir could improve symptoms of Parkinson’s depression and lung disease though.
Mr Stewart will present the findings at the annual meeting of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology in York today. The fact that the group, made of 197 women and 178 men, found singing in a choir was “significantly” more effective at improving their mood than a team sport could be due to the synchronicity(同步性) of the activity, Mr Stewart said. “The implications may be that any activity we do as part of a group is particularly enjoyable,” he said. “But people who sang in a choir had a stronger sense of being part of a meaningful group and there is a suggestion that there is something unique about the synchronicity of moving and breathing with other people.”
The findings echo(附和) the experiences of Siobhan Patten, a social worker for Birmingham Council who featured on The Choir: Sing While You Work last month. She told the Guardian, “It was a great moment for me when I realized that I had an outlet for all the emotions I was carrying, and the choir became my much-needed therapy(治疗). I had never before realized the incredible healing powers of music.”


1.The findings may contribute to ______.

A treating illnesses like Parkinson’s depression

B improving people’s mental health in a cheaper way

C helping people achieve better team spirit

D helping people develop their sports ability

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句可知此发现能够帮助人们以低成本治疗心理疾病,恢复健康,故选B。

2.Nick Stewart’s findings stated in the passage __________.

A confirmed his assumption

B agreed with previous research

C may carry the research further

D sped up his study process

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段特别是此段的最后一句可知Nick Stewart的发现与原先的其他研究专家的发现一致,故选B。

3.What may be the key factor behind choir singing improving people’s moods?

A Activities done with others.

B Improved physical condition.

C Lowered blood pressure.

D Improved lung functions.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知与其他人保持呼吸和动作的同步性的特点是能够提高人们情绪的原因,故选A。

4.In Mr Stewart’s opinion, _______.

A team sports are hardly good for pschological health

B it is very easy for people to keep them healthy

C his findings are so new that people seldom know

D the implications in a choir can make people happy

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的The implications may be that any activity we do as part of a group is particularly enjoyable可知同步性能够使人们感到高兴,故选D。