
Italian scientists have found that the chemical in the brain which makes us romantic goes away over a year. They say this explains why the happy and wonderful feelings we have at the start of the love do not last forever. Researchers from the University of Pavia(帕维亚大学) found that levels of a chemical called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF神经生长因子) greatly increase when a person first falls in love. NGF levels goes up quickly when newlove begins. The chemical goes away over a year or so after people become steady in a love.
Research leader Dr. Enzo Emanuele said, “It has showed for the first time that levels of NGF are increased among people in love, playing an important role for this molecule in the social chemistry of human beings.” His team studied 58 people who had just fallen in love. The researchers compared NGF levels in this group with those in people who were single or in steady loves. They found increased levels of NGF in the new loves. They also said NGF caused sweat in the hands and butterflies in stomachs, and perhaps made young men buy red roses and candle dinners.


1.The chemical that makes us romantic is in the _______.

A heart

B brain

C lung

D stomach

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Italian scientists have found that the chemical in the brain which makes us romantic goes away over a year.可知,故选B。

2.What grows quickly when we first fall in love?





解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句Researchers from the University of Pavia found that levels of a chemical called Nerve Growth Factor greatly increase when a person first falls in love.可知,故选C。

3.How many people did the researchers study?

A 48.

B 58.

C 84.

D 85.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句His team studied 58 people who had just fallen in love.可知,故选B。

4.Which word can well explain buying red roses?

A Romantic.

B Sorrow.

C Death.

D Success.


5.The underlined phrase “butterflies in stomachs” possibly means _______ in Chinese.

A 翩翩起舞

B 五味杂陈

C 五颜六色

D 精神紧张
