
A little boy lost his leg because of a serious illness. He thought himself one of the most unlucky people in the world. He avoided playing with his classmates and always kept to himself. Quite often he kept his head down in class. His father knew all about it.

One day in the spring, his father got some young trees from the neighbor. He asked each of his five children to plant one in the yard. “I’ll give a gift to the one whose tree grows the best,” the father said.

The little boy surely wanted to get the gift, so he was very glad to do it. He watered his tree every day. But he felt sad again when he saw his siblings(兄弟姐妹) jumping and dancing happily while watering. However, he had to water the tree in a wheelchair instead.     ▲     If he stopped watering it, the young tree would die earlier. Then he didn’t have to take care of it any more. So he did.

A few days later, he went to see the young tree. To his surprise, compared with other young trees, his tree grew even better. He found out that his father helped him get the gift. From then on, the little boy became more outgoing and optimistic(乐观的). He knew someone was loving him.

Now he is willing(愿意) to make friends with others and spend more time talking and playing with others. He never feels lonely any more.  


1.Why did the boy feel unlucky?

A Because he was ill.

B Because he lost his leg.

C Because he liked playing.

D Because he kept to himself.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“A little boy lost his leg because of a serious illness.”可知这个男孩失去了一条腿,因此他认为自己很不幸。故 选 B。

2.How many siblings did the boy have?

A Five.

B Four.

C Three.

D Two.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段的“He asked each of his five children...”可知男孩的父亲有五个孩子,即这个男孩有四个兄弟姐妹。故选 B。

3.Which sentence can be put back in the “   ▲   ”?

A Then he got an idea.

B But he really hated it.

C And they laughed at him.

D And he got angry with them.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文中空白处后面的内容可知,男孩认为如果他停止给小树浇水,小树就会早早死掉,他就不用再去浇水(就不用再看见兄弟姐妹们开心快乐浇水的场景),并且他这样做了(停止浇水)。由此推断,这些内容是他想到的一个主意。故选 A。

4.Who does the underlined word “someone” refer to?

A The boy’s sister.

B The boy’s father.

C The boy’s brother.

D The boy’s classmate.

解析:选B。B 词意指代题。根据第四段的“He found out that his father helped him get the gift.”可知,男孩发现是他的父亲偷偷帮助他获得了礼物,由此可知爱着他的人是他的父亲。故选 B。

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A A happy boy and his siblings.

B A boy who was never happy.

C A sad boy and a loving father.

D A lonely boy loving his father.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章描述了一个因为失去一条腿而悲伤的男孩,在一个有爱心的父亲的帮助下重新变得乐观开朗的故事。故选 C。