
It has been 30 years since two sisters in Colombia met each other. Jaqueline and Lorena Sanchez thought they had lost each other forever in 1985 when the Tolima volcano erupted near their town of Armero. The hot things from the volcano heated nearby iceberg, this made four terrible mudslides happen. These killed more than 20,000 of Armero's 29,000 people. Jaqueline, 33, and Lorena, 39, never found each other after that. They each thought the other was among the dead in the mudslides. Tolima was the second most deadly eruption of the 20th century. Only the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelee in the Caribbean was deadlier.
The two sisters went to different families and never knew each other. They have both spent much of their time looking for each other. They were together again when they gave their DNA to an organization. The organization helps people find their families all over the world. Lorena said, “It was beautiful and sad because it has been 30 years since the accident happened, and I’ve come to find out what happened to my sister. I have to catch up with 30 years of her life and she has to do the same with me.” Jaqueline said, “I’m excited, worried, everything because suddenly, you don’t know if you are welcomed. I don’t know if she will love me. It's difficult. It’s difficult to explain this moment.”


1.What’s the name of the volcano that erupted?

A Armero.

B Tolima.

C Colombia.

D Lorena.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句…when the Tolima volcano(托利马火山) erupted near their town of Armero.可知,故选B。

2.How many people survived the Tolima volcano eruption?

A Less than 9,000.

B More than 9,000.

C More than 20,000.

D About 29,000.

解析:选A。数字计算题。根据第一段第四句These killed more than 20,000 of Armero's 29,000 people.可知,故选A。

3.When did the deadliest volcano eruption of the 20th century happen?

A In 1902.

B In 1920.

C In 1922.

D In 1929.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知Tolima火山爆发是20世纪第二大火山喷发致死事故,而下文1902年的Mount Pelee火山喷发比其要更加致命,故选A。

4.The underlined phrase “the accident” refers to _______.

A Tolima volcano eruption

B Mount Pelee eruption

C the sisters met each other

D the sisters gave their DNA to an organization


5.What is the right order of the following things?①Mount Pelee erupted. ②The Tolima volcano erupted. ③The sisters gave their DNA to an organization and met again. ④The two sisters were away from each other after the eruption.

A ①③②④

B ①③④②

C ④①②③

D ①②④③

解析:选D。逻辑顺序题。按时间先后顺序应为:1902年Mount Pelee火山喷发——1985 年Tolima火山喷发——两姐妹于Tolima火山喷发后失散——30年后两姐妹提供DNA从而重逢,故选D。