
Right now, 62 million girls worldwide aren’t in school. They’re receiving no reading, no writing, no math — none of the basic skills they need to provide for themselves and their families, and contribute fully to their countries. Often, understandably, this problem is considered as a result of a failure to invest enough money in educating girls. We can solve this problem. If we provide more scholarships for girls, then they can afford school fees, uniforms and supplies.

It’s true that investments like these are important to deal with our global girls’ education crisis. However, we cannot solve our girls’ education problem until we deal with the broader cultural beliefs and practices that could cause and continue this crisis.

We know that legal and cultural change is possible because we’ve seen it in countries around the world, including our own. A century ago, women in America couldn’t even vote. Decades ago, it was perfectly legal for employers to refuse to hire women. But in each generation, brave people — both men and women — stood up to change these practices. They did it through individual acts like taking their bosses to court and even through national movements that brought changes.

Unluckily, as I traveled around the world, I met so many girls who were too hungry to realize their promise. They walk for hours each day to school, learning at shaking desks in poor classrooms. These girls aren’t different from any of our daughters. None of us here in the U.S. would accept this for our own daughters and granddaughters, so why would we accept it for any girl on our planet? I talk about this issue here at home, because I believe that all of us have a duty to give all of these girls a future worth their promise and their dreams.


1.According to the passage, millions of girls ______.

A hate going to school for no reasons

B aren’t receiving formal school education

C are busy supporting their families

D make contributions to their countries

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Right now, 62 million girls worldwide aren’t in school. They’re receiving no reading, no writing, no math”可知,现在世界上有六千多万女孩没有接受正规的学校教育。故选B。

2.In the author’s opinion, what is the key to solving the girls’ education problem?

A By organizing national movements.

B By making people brave enough to fight.

C By investing enough money in educating girls.

D By changing unfair cultural beliefs and practices.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“However, we cannot solve our girls’ education problem until we deal with the broader cultural beliefs and practices”可知,作者认为解决女孩的教育危机的关键在于改变一些不利于女性的文化信仰和做法。故选D。

3.To show that legal and cultural change is possible, the author _________.

A gives an example

B gives a lot of reasons

C gives clear explanations

D gives many suggestions

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。第三段第一句指出,改变一些不利于女性的文化信仰和做法是可能的,接下来作者列举事例:一百多年前美国女性没有选举权以及雇主依法拒绝雇佣女性,经过人们的争取,现在这一现象已经改变。故选A。

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A To give some facts about girls.

B To show how to educate girls well.

C To encourage people to care about girls.

D To encourage girls to fight for their rights.

解析:选C。C写作意图题。根据最后一段最后一句“I talk about this issue here at home, because I believe that all of us have a duty to give all of these girls a future worth their promise and their dreams.”可推断,本文的写作目的在于鼓励人们关心女孩,维护她们的合法权益。故选C。