
In anticipation(预料) of an extraordinary visit, the streets and buildings of Havana, Cuba, were cleaned and painted by dozens of workers. What was the occasion? 
For the first time in nearly 90 years, a sitting United States president was coming to Cuba, an island nation 90 miles south of Florida. On Sunday, President Barack Obama, joined by his family, stepped off Air Force One and onto a rainy runway, where Cuban dignitaries(高官) eagerly awaited him. “It’s wonderful to be here,” the president said. The last time a U.S. president came to Cuba was in 1928. It was President Calvin Coolidge, and he arrived on a battleship. Obama will be in Cuba through Tuesday. He is set to meet with Cuba’s president, Raúl Castro, attend a state dinner and even take in a baseball game.
A presidential visit would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. The U.S. cut all ties with Cuba after Fidel Castro’s communist government took control of the island in 1959. In the years that followed, both countries’ opposing political views furthered the separation. Plans for social and economic change began after President Fidel Castro transferred power to his brother, Raúl in 2008. Raúl Castro then set a plan in motion to revive the country’s economy.
Since then, Cuba has been taking small, yet lasting steps toward change by removing a number of restrictions that had been set on its citizens, such as access to the Internet, the use of cellphones, and by allowing people to work at jobs not controlled by the government. Cuba, however, still has tough limits on media, public assembly and political opposition.
Obama hopes to share his vision for Cuba’s future during a speech he will deliver. Before the trip, Senior Advisor Ben Rhodes said the president hoped to use this visit as a way to “continue to create openings for greater engagement(联系) between the American and Cuban people.”


1.What is stressed in the second paragraph?

A President Obama’s arrival on television.

B Obama and Castro talk about human rights.

C The first serving U.S. president to visit Cuba.

D First lady Michelle Obama were later welcomed.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段For the first time in nearly 90 years, a sitting United States president was coming to Cuba…可知,近90年来第一为在任美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马即将来到古巴进行访问,故选C。

2.What was the event showing the change in Cuba?

A Fidel Castro rose to power.

B Raúl Castro came to power.

C Calvin Coolidge arrived in Cuba.

D The U.S. officials arrived in Havana.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第四句Plans for social and economic change began after President Fidel Castro transferred power to this brother, Raúl, in 2008.可知,劳尔•卡斯特罗执政后古巴开始发生变化,故选B。

3.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that ______.

A Cuba is central to the conflict

B Cuba takes on media freedoms

C Cuba is working towards progress

D Cuba makes sure the right to healthcare


4.According to Ben Rhodes, what is the purpose of Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba?

A To bring negative change for Cubans.

B To carry out his vision for Cuba’s future.

C To break silence and no communications.

D To give Mr Castro a list of political prisoners.
