

You can hear many people are talking about “tuhao” in China these days. This word has attracted(吸引)many people’s attention

(注意力). And it is even more popular through the Internet. Internet users use “tuhao” to talk about some people who are very rich and spend money freely.

Recently, the Standard Chinese Dictionary has included the Chinese term "tuhao" in it. In the dictionary, “tuhao” means “People who are rich without much education and good value”. And this definition spreads widely through Sina Weibo. However, not all people have the same opinion to this definition.

Many users of Sina Weibo don’t agree with the meaning in the dictionary. "I want to know how the dictionary defines education and value,"said one of the user. Another user tells us, “A tuhao can also be clever and do good things to people”.


1.What makes the the Chinese term “tuhao” more popular?


B Radio.

C Internet.

D Newspaper.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第一段 And it is even more popular through the Internet可知,故选C。

2.According to the Standard Chinese Dictionary, “tuhao” means____.

A some people who are very rich and spend money freely

B people who are rich without much eduction and good value

C rich farmers

D rich people

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。关键词是题干中的Standard Chinese Dictionary,A选项是网友们对“土豪”的定义,而B选项才是汉语字典对土豪的定义,故选B。

3.Which of the following means the same with the underline word in Paragraph 2?

A discussion

B opinion

C sentence

D meaning

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。从前文In the dictionary, “tuhao” means “People who are rich without much eduction and good value”可知道,汉语字典给“土豪”一字下了定义,故definition 意为“定义”,与“meaning”意思相似,故选D。

4.The last paragraph tells us that____.

A “tuhao” means the rich people

B the Standard Chinese Dictionary gives a good definition of “tuhao”

C some people do not agree with the definition of “tuhao” in the dictionary

D all people agree with the dedfinition of “tuhao” in the dictionary

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。最后一段主要向读者介绍了网友们针对字典定义的不同声音,故选C。

5.Which is the best titile of the passage?

A Chinese Tuhao

B Definition of Tuhao Get Hot Disscution

C What Tuhao Means

D Tuhao is Popular through Interenet

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。文章主要向读者介绍了“土豪”这一词的定义在网络上引发热议这一现象,故B选项是最佳标题。