
Psychologists have a clever way to test self-awareness in people. A researcher might place a mark on a sleeping child’s forehead — and unaware. When the child wakes up, the researcher then asks the child to look into a mirror. If the child touches the mark on his/her own face after seeing the mark in the mirror, then he/she has passed the test. Touching the mark shows that the child understands “the child in the mirror is me”. Most children over the age of three pass the test. One Asian elephant has too, so do some dolphins and chimpanzees. 

Dogs, however, fail. They sniff the mirror or urinate on it. But they ignore the mark. This doesn’t mean, however, that they aren’t self-aware, argues Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, who studies animal behavior at Tomsk State University in Russia.The scent(嗅觉) tells a dog what happened in the environment, explains Gatti. A dog’s own scent, however, usually doesn’t provide new information. So if a dog recognizes its own smell, it shouldn’t need to sniff it for very long.

To test that, Gatti used four dogs of different genders and ages. All had lived together in the same outdoor space for most of their lives. To prepare for the test, Gatti soaked up urine from each animal with pieces of cotton. He then placed each piece of cotton into a separate container. Then he set five of the containers randomly on the ground. Four held smelly cotton from each of the dogs, while the fifth held clean cotton. After opening the containers, Gatti released a dog into the area at a time, and timed how long each of them spent sniffing each container.

As he’d suspected, each dog spent much less time sniffing its own urine. Clearly, Gatti says, they passed the smell test. “If they recognize this smell is ‘mine’,” he explains, “then they know what is ‘mine’.” And, he argues if dogs understand the concept of “mine”, then they’re self-aware.


1.According to the mirror test, _____________.

A most animals have self-awareness

B few animals can answer to their names

C some animals can be aware of themselves

D kids below three years old have self-awareness

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“One Asian elephant has too, so do some dolphins and chimpanzees.”可知一些动物也有自我意识,故选 C。

2.In Gatti’s opinion, the mirror test ______.

A can be used to test self-awareness in all animals

B isn’t the right tool to test self-awareness in dogs

C is a good way to test self-awareness only in people

D tends to provide false information about self-awareness

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Dogs, however, fail.” 以 及 “This doesn’t mean, however, that they aren’t self-aware, argues Roberto Cazzolla Gatti”可 知,狗虽然没有通过镜子测试,但 Gatti 认为那并不表示狗没有自我意识,由此推断 Gatti 认为 镜子测试并不适用于狗。故选 B。

3.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A A dog spends less time sniffing its own urine.

B Dogs have self-awareness like human beings.

C Dogs can make good use of scents to sense.

D A dog’s own scent can’t provide new information.

解析:选A。A 词意指代题。根据第二段最后一句的“So if a dog recognizes its own smell, it shouldn’t need to sniff it for very long.” 和 最 后 一 段 第 一 句 “As he’d suspected, each dog spent much less time sniffing its own urine.”可推断,划线词应指狗嗅自己的尿 液时间极短。故选 A。 4. D 细节理解题。根据第三段第

4.What did Gatti do during his study on dogs?

A He used five pieces of smelly cotton.

B He used four dogs from different places.

C He made the dogs live together for some time.

D He collected samples of each dog’s urine.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“To prepare for the test, Gatti soaked up urine from each animal with pieces of cotton.”可知,他收集了四只狗的尿 液。故选 D。