
One day Robin went with his family to eat in a restaurant. They were sitting at a table and waiting for their meal. Suddenly, everyone around them started to cover their noses. Some of them even left their tables and went away.

When Robin’s family turned around to see what had happened, they saw two homeless boys. The boys looked dirty and smelled bad. But both boys were smiling and had beautiful blue eyes. They were looking for someone kind. One of the boys went to the counter and he counted the coins he had. The other boy looked sick and he stood quietly.

The young lady at the counter asked the boy what they wanted. He said, “We only want a cup of coffee.” That was all they could afford. They wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up. It was really cold outside. But to sit inside the restaurant, they had to buy something.

When Robin’s mother saw this, she wanted to help the boys. She ordered some more food. Then she went to the two boys’ table. She put the food on the table. The boys looked up at her and said, “Thank you.” When Robin saw what his mother did, he understood what the unconditional(无条件的) love was. His mother treated those boys kindly. She did not expect anything in return. Now Robin saves his own pocket money(零花钱) and helps homeless people whenever he can.


1.What were Robin’s family doing when the story happened?

A They were eating their meal.

B They were paying for their meal.

C They were leaving the restaurant.

D They were waiting for their meal.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句“They were sitting at a table and waiting for their meal.”可知他们正在等餐,故选D。

2.Why did some people leave their tables?

A They had finished their meals.

B They thought the food was terrible.

C Two boys came in and they smelled bad.

D There wasn’t enough food in the restaurant.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“The boys looked dirty and smelled bad.”可知因为这些小男孩看起来脏而且身上有味道,因此一些人离开了桌子,故选C。

3.Why did the two boys come to the restaurant?

A Because they were hungry.

B Because they wanted to warm up.

C Because they knew Robin’s family.

D Because they wanted to have some coffee.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“They wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up.”可知他们来餐厅的目的是为了驱寒,故选B。

4.What did Robin’s mother do?

A She gave the two boys some money.

B She ordered some food for the two boys.

C She asked Robin to play with the two boys.

D She invited the two boys to eat with her family.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“When Robin’s mother saw this, she wanted to help the boys. She ordered some more food. Then she went to the two boys’ table. She put the food on the table.”可知Robin的妈妈给这两个小男孩点了餐,故选B。

5.What did Robin learn from the story?

A We should treat others kindly.

B We shouldn’t laugh at others.

C We should save pocket money.

D We shouldn’t receive others’ help.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一句“Now Robin saves his own pocket money(零花钱) and helps homeless people whenever he can.”可知Robin学会了对他人友善。故选A。