
Do you know how to find out where you can volunteer? Here are some ways that you can choose. You can surf the Internet. You can call an organization directly and ask whether they need volunteers in your area. You can ask friends or relatives for ideas. You can also look at bulletin boards(布告牌) in your school.

When you’re calling an organization, you might have to answer some questions like:

• Why do you want to volunteer for it?

• What do you know about it?

• How many hours a week will you be able to volunteer?

• What are your interests?

• Do you have any special skills?

• Do you have a way to get here?

Most volunteer organizations will ask you to come for an interview in person, which is usually pretty casual. They will talk to you face to face, and if they haven’t yet asked the questions above, they will do that on the phone.

Whether your interview is on the phone or in person, don’t forget to ask questions of your own. For example:

• What will you want me to do if I volunteer here?

• What kind of training will I receive?

• How many other volunteers are here?

• How many hours do you want me to volunteer each week?

If you like the organization, volunteering can be a great experience.


1.How many ways does the first paragraph offer you to get volunteer work?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。文章第一段提到了得到志愿者工作的四种方式:surf the Internet,call an organization directly,ask friends or relatives for ideas,look at bulletin boards。故选C。

2.The underlined word “it” refers to “_________”.

A the question

B the organization

C the hour

D the area

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据上文的When you’re calling an organization可知这里it是指代an organization,故选B。

3.What interview will most volunteer organizations ask you to have?

A Telephone.

B Online.

C E-mail.

D Face-to-face.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章Most volunteer organizations will ask you to come for an interview in person.说明大多数会进行面对面的面试,故选D。

4.Which of the following is NOT included in what you should ask the interviewer?

A What are your interests?

B What kind of training will I receive?

C How many other volunteers are here?

D What will you want me to do if I volunteer here?

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。在询问面试官的问题中提到的四点没有包括A项,故选A。

5.In which part of a magazine can you most probably find the passage?

A Family.

B Volunteer.

C School.

D Interview.

解析:选B。B 文章出处题。文章是围绕志愿者工作而展开的,故最有可能出现在志愿者版块,故选B。