远离肥胖症 生活更美好
远离肥胖症 生活更美好

Katherine Jackson was overweight since her teens. She lost 35 pounds in her late teens but put it all back on and then some when she had her son at 19. She said it was a combination of a sweet tooth and portion size that was her reason for failure. “I could eat lots of ice cream and not even think about it,” the married mother of four added.

She knew she had to do something, but the death of her best friend from complications related to bariatric surgery(肥胖外科手术) caused her to shy away from the help she needed. “It took me five years to realize I can’t live life like this,” Jackson said, finally deciding to have bariatric surgery in 2012, which helped her get rid of most unwanted fat. “My kids love the new me,” Jackson said. “And, my youngest, who is 8 and a little overweight, has been encouraged by me. We walk the track when it is warm as a family outing.” She adds, “I knew I had to do something about my health because I had to be around for them and watch them grow and experience life.”

After a lifetime of junk food, sweets and out-of-control portions, Jackson had to learn a new way of eating. Now, she starts the day with a breakfast of eggs for the protein(蛋白质). Lunch is usually a salad and dinner is a protein shake. She walks two to three miles at least a few times a week, does Zumba(尊吧舞) twice a week and rides her bike for a half-hour three times a week.

“I wish I’d been more proactive about my weight when I was younger. I wish it hadn’t gotten to this point. But, I’d do the surgery again immediately. My life is so much better now,” Jackson said.


1.When did Jackson begin to put back her weight?

A After she had her son.

B Before she got married.

C In her late teens.

D When she was in her twenties.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段She lost 35 pounds in her late teens but put it all back on and then some when she had her son at 19.可知Jackson在十几岁的时候瘦了35磅,但是在19岁生了儿子之后,体重反弹,而且后来还增加了一些,故选A。

2.Jackson dropped pounds mainly by _________.

A changing eating habits

B taking more exercise

C having bariatric surgery

D riding a bike every week

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段“finally deciding to have bariatric surgery in 2012, which helped her get rid of most unwanted fat”可知减肥手术帮助她摆脱了大部分多余脂肪,故选C。

3.Which word can take place of “proactive” in the last paragraph?

A Curious.

B Active.

C Passive.

D Satisfied.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句子Jackson对自己过去没有及时减肥而后悔,她希望事情没发展到这一步(变得如此肥胖),希望她年轻的时候能更“积极的”控制自己的体重,选项B符合文意,故选B。

4.In which part of a newspaper can you read the passage?

A Entertainment.

B Sports.

C Health.

D Culture.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。本文主要讲述了Katherine Jackson减肥的历程,她为了自己的健康和家人的幸福,摒弃了垃圾食品,进行体育锻炼,所以最可能是来自报纸中的健康专栏,故选C。