
“When you pick up a brush, don’t ever ask anyone for help. Because the most wonderful thing about painting is being left alone with your own imagination. I do not paint to get praise from others, but to play a game of endless joy,” quoted(引用) Chinese artist Wang Yani.

Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, a small town in South China. Her father, Wang Shiqiang, an oil painter himself, saw Yani’s love for painting when she was about two years old. He was working with others while Yani read some children’s books. Feeling bored, she began to draw on the wall. Wang Shiqiang did not take it seriously until she scribbled(乱画) all over his own painting that he had just completed and planned to send to a publisher(出版商). Yani cried, “Daddy, I want to paint like you!” Shiqiang thought of his own childhood and how much he wanted to learn painting. He decided to give Yani the chance he never had.

Shiqiang provided Yani with paints and brushes and paper and encouraged her to follow her passion. She painted scenes and characters from nature—flowers in the front of her house, trees at the back, chickens and ducks and dogs and cats in the yard. After a visit to the Nanning Zoo at age 3, she became smitten with monkeys and then she painted hundreds of them. Her painting of two monkeys, completed at age 4, was put on a stamp when she was 8. At age 14, she had an exhibition at a London museum. Later, she became the youngest artist to have her work exhibited at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution.


1.What does painting bring to Yani?

A Worries.

B Sadness.

C Happiness.

D Loneliness.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段“I do not paint to get praise from others, but to play a game of endless joy”可知画画给王亚妮带来了很多快乐。故选 C。

2._________ Shiqiang noticed Yani’s love for painting.

A In 1975

B In 1977

C In 1979

D In 1978

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第二段“Wang Yani was born in 1975”和“saw Yani’s love for painting when she was about two years old” 可 知 在 亚 妮 2 岁(1975+2=1977 年)的时候,她的父亲注意到了她对画画的热爱。故选 B。

3.What can we infer from Paragraph Two?

A Yani was interested in children’s books.

B Shiqiang had painting lessons when he was young.

C Yani’s father treated Yani badly when she was little.

D Maybe Shiqiang’s parents didn’t let him learn painting.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,她的父亲想起了他自己小时候多么想学习画画,他决定给他女儿自己小时候从来没有得到过的机会(学习画画),由此可推知她父亲小时候想学画画,但是没有得到学习的机会。故选 D。

4.What does the underlined part “became smitten with” mean?

A Got tired of.

B Fell in love with.

C Was prepared for.

D Felt nervous about.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据划线部分后文“and then she painted hundreds of them”可知亚妮是“迷上”了猴子,所以才画了成百上千只猴子。故选 B。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Chinese Painters.

B How to Learn Painting.

C How to Teach Kids Painting.

D A Famous Painter—Wang Yani.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。全文介绍的是著名画家王亚妮的一些相关信息,D 选项最符合文章大意。故选 D。