
The year 2016 may be one of the best years for people to keep their New Year’s goals. The promises we make to ourselves at the beginning of the year is to lose weight, save money, etc. About half of all adults make New Year’s goals but fewer than 10 percent keep them. Many people make goals at the beginning of January but give up by February. The main reason why people give up is that the goals are too hard for them. People think it is easy to change their behavior. Many goals need a lot of strength, and many habits are difficult to change. 
Researchers asked people about their goals for 2016. The top one was to live life to the fullest. Nearly half of those in the research said this would be one of their goals for 2016. The second most popular goal was to live a healthier lifestyle—41.1% of people said this would be one of their goals. Losing weight was the third on the list, and wanting to spend more time with family and friends was the fourth. Young people were making more goals than older people. Those aged 18-34 made an average of three goals for 2016, while older people decided on just two. 


1.People usually make _______ at the beginning of the year.

A friends

B beds

C goals

D faces


2.People’s New Year goals often last _______.

A a month

B three months

C half a year

D a year

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句Many people make goals at the beginning of January but give up by February.可知,故选A。

3.People think it is _______ to finish their goals.

A easy

B difficult

C sad

D excited

解析:选A。观点态度题。根据第一段倒数第二句People think it is easy to change their behavior.可知,故选A。

4.What’s the second most popular goal of people in the year?

A To lose weight.

B To spend more time with family.

C To live life to the fullest.

D To live a healthier lifestyle.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句The second most popular goal was to live a healthier lifestyle...可知,故选D。

5.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A Don’t make year goals.

B People’s popular year goals.

C How to finish your year goals.

D The difference between young men and older people.

解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句Researchers asked people about their goals for 2016.可知,这是本段的主题句,故选B。