
One in four primary school children cannot identify a blackbird or robin(知更鸟), research has found. More than half are unable to name three of Britain’s most common garden species, while a third of six to ten-year-olds have never fed a bird at home. Some 17 percent are unaware that the black-headed seagull is one of the most common seabirds in Britain. They seem more interested in watching TV and playing computer games than nature and wildlife.

And a spokesman for the RSPCA, which is asking families to feed wild birds in their gardens, said, “As the weather turns colder, it is important to think about what we can do to help our animal friends. It is important to keep the population of wild birds in this country, and giving them a helping hand in finding food is a great way to start. Birds can struggle to find food during the winter months, so to help them stay strong over this period, people can leave out wild bird food for them.”

Meanwhile, more than half a million people from across Britain are set to take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch by counting the birds in their gardens over the weekend. Dozens of outdoor activities enjoyed by children a generation ago are now falling out of favour. These included playing in the mud, playing in woods, planting seeds and spotting wildlife. Although many parents believe a good childhood is spent outdoors playing with friends, they are forcing their own children to stay inside for their safety.

However, scientists said in May that feeding birds could be harming some of our best-loved native species, because leaving food is more likely to attract foreign invaders. A University of Auckland study found that feeding birds in towns may be upsetting the delicate balance between native species and more aggressive varieties introduced from overseas.


1.According to the passage, what made the author worried?

A Children know little about the birds.

B Children spend more time on games.

C The common seabirds are decreasing.

D The garden species are hard to find.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句“One in four primary school children cannot identify a blackbird or robin, a research has found.”可以得知 四分之一的小学生不认识常见的鸟类,因此可以 得知作者担忧的是孩子对鸟类了解太少。故选 A。

2.Why did the spokesman ask families to feed wild birds?

A Because the weather turns great.

B Because people have helping hands.

C Because the birds can’t find food easily.

D Because people want to be strong.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“Birds can struggle to find food during the winter months, so to help them stay strong over this period...”可以 得知,在寒冬期间鸟类很难找到食物,这是发言 人鼓励人们给野生鸟类喂食的原因。故选 C。

3.What would people do during Big Garden Birdwatch?

A They would leave out the wild birds a lot of food.

B They would know the number of people in Britain.

C They would carry out a number of outdoor activities.

D They would report the number of birds in their houses.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“...by counting the birds in their gardens over the weekend.”可以得 知英国居民要数周末出现在他们院子里的鸟的 数量。故选 D。

4.How will people’s feeding damage the birds?

A They will grow larger.

B They will easily lose balance.

C They will feel very upset.

D They will face more competition.

解析:选D。D 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 最 后 一 段 第 一 句 “...because leaving food is more likely to attract foreign invaders.”可以得知,给这些鸟类投食会吸 引外来鸟类,因此会造成这些鸟类面临更大的竞 争。故选 D。