
China’s 2015 box office sales(票房) hit the record high of 40 billion yuan (6.3 billion U.S. dollars) on Thursday night, growing more than 48 percent from the same period last year. It is the first time that box office sales in the world’s second largest film market have reached such a high point, according to the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television(国家广播电影电视总局). The administration said domestic films pulled in 23.7 billion yuan, more than 59 percent of the total box office earnings. 
China’s film market has had an average growth of 30 percent year on year since 2003. China’s box office sales increased from 1 billion yuan to 40 billion yuan in the same period, with 1.14 billion tickets sold in 2015. In 2003, only 70 million tickets were sold. There were an estimated 100 million tickets sold every month in 2015, with most of the sales going to young moviegoers, with an increasing amount from smaller cities. China’s annual box office sales are expected to reach 100 billion yuan by 2020. Based on the growth, some people predict the country’s box office sales might surpass that of the United States as early as 2017.

1.The total box office sales of China in 2015 was _______.

A 1.14 billion

B 23.7 billion

C 40 billion

D 100 billion

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句China’s 2015 box office sales hit the record high of 40 billion yuan (6.3 billion U.S. dollars) on Thursday night...可知,故选C。

2.China is the _______ film market in the world.

A largest

B second largest

C third largest

D smallest

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句It is the first time that box office sales in the world’s second largest film market have reached such a high point...可知,故选B。

3.China’s box office sales took _______ years to reach 40 million yuan.

A 10

B 12

C 15

D 20

解析:选B。数字计算题。根据第二段第二句China’s box office sales increased from 1 billion yuan to 40 billion yuan in the same period...可知,故选B。

4.Who likes to go to the cinema in 2015 the most according to the passage?

A The young.

B Couples.

C Children.

D The old.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句...with most of the sales going to young moviegoers...可知,故选A。

5.What’s the right order of the following things? ①70 million tickets were sold a year. ②100 million tickets were sold a year. ③100 billion yuan of box office sales a year. ④Box office sales have surpassed the USA for the first time.

A ③②①④

B ②④③①

C ④①③②

D ①②④③
