On Sunday an artist called “Jianguo Xiongdi” sent the dust he spent 100 days collecting from the Beijing air to a factory in Tangshan, Hebei Province. Now all he had to do was wait three days for the factory to send him back the dust—a brick. This is part of what he is calling the Dust Project(尘埃计划).
“The first part of the project was collecting the dust from the air for 100 days. The second part was sending it to the brick factory. For the third part I plan to mix the brick in with ordinary bricks at a construction place. The final step will be watching it disappear into a sea of bricks,” Jianguo Xiongdi told The Global Times. Smiling, he said that he was considering choosing a tall building in Beijing’s Central Business District. 
He first began preparing for this project in 2013 when the strong smog in Beijing started raising public concern. However, the project was postponed for two years, leading to the artist picking it up again this year in order to call more attention to air pollution. He started collecting the dust on July 24 and walking the streets for four hours a day. He said he went out almost every day except when it rained or snowed. “Actually, I only collected about 100 grams of dust. This wasn’t enough to make a brick, so I asked the factory to add some clay,” he told The Global Times.


1.Jianguo Xiongdi collected the air in _______.

A Hefei

B Hebei

C Beijing

D Tangshan

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句On Sunday an artist called “Jianguo Xiongdi” sent the dust he spent 100 days collecting from the Beijing air...可知,故选C。

2.Jianguo Xiongdi used the dust to make a _______.

A bus

B brick

C cake

D bike

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Now all he had to do was wait three days for the factory to send him back the dust—a brick.可知,故选B。

3.What caused Jianguo Xiongdi to collect air?

A Strong smog.

B Money.

C Snow.

D Art.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句He first began preparing for this project in 2013 when the strong smog in Beijing started raising public concern.可知,故选A。

4.What’s the right order of the following things? ①Sending the dust to the brick factory. ②Collecting the dust from the air. ③Watching the brick disappear into a sea of bricks. ④Mixing the brick in with ordinary bricks at a construction place.

A ③②①④

B ②④③①

C ④①③②

D ②①④③


5.The underlined word “postponed” means _______ in Chinese.

A 耽搁

B 坚持

C 持续

D 进行
