
Yoga Journal

Cover Price: $53.91

Price: $8.95 ($0.99/issue) & shipping is always free. 

Yoga Journal has been a valuable resource for information about physical and spiritual well-being through the practice of yoga. Yoga Journal is your guide to better health, nutrition, personal growth, fitness and inner peace. 

Yoga Journal magazine is an exceptional resource for both beginners and advanced yoga practitioners. Each issue is packed with valuable information you can turn to again and again as you master yoga basics or more advanced poses. The magazine not only focuses on yoga, but also achieving a healthy lifestyle, such as nutrition. 

Every issue of Yoga Journal magazine contains a column on yoga basics, helping those new to yoga and its philosophy get the most from their practice and understand the basic elements of yoga. The magazine also addresses how to eat wisely and make better decisions regarding what you put into your body and how to practice yoga in your home. 

In addition to featuring in-depth articles that address different aspects of yoga such as emotional, spiritual, or physical well-being, Yoga Journal magazine also includes reviews and recommendations on the latest yoga books, music and DVDs. It also contains information about the latest in yoga fashion and news, so you can stay up-to-date on what is going on in the world of yoga. 

If you are interested in yoga or just want to make yoga a part of a healthy lifestyle, Yoga Journal magazine provides the advice, information and inspiration needed to be successful. The magazine makes a great gift for anyone who wants to be healthy and fit while also achieving inner peace. Just choose to buy it.


1.How much can people save by buying the Yoga Journal here?

A $ 0.99.

B $ 8.95.

C $44.96.

D $ 53.91.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章开头的“Cover Price: $53.91”“Price: $8.95”可以得知标签价格是 53.91 美元,现在的销售价格是 8.95 美元,两者相减就 得到了可以节约的钱为 44.96 美元。故选 C。

2.Who will be interested in the Yoga Journal?

A People who have amounts of valuable information.

B People who want to increase their personal wealth.

C People who want to have a healthy lifestyle.

D People who need the advanced knowledge in fashion.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Yoga Journal is your guide to better health, nutrition, personal growth, fitness and inner peace.” 以 及 第 四 段 的 “The magazine not only focuses on yoga, but also achieving a healthy lifestyle, such as nutrition.”可 知该杂志是读者健康、营养、个人成长、健身和 内心平静的指南,并且它不仅介绍关于瑜伽的相 关信息,还帮助读者获取健康的生活方式。由此 推断,那些想获得健康生活方式的人会对该杂志 感兴趣。故选 C。

3.What can people learn through the magazine Yoga Journal?

A How to choose clothes cleverly.

B How to practice Yoga at home.

C How to make a clever decision.

D When to watch DVDs and films.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。 根据第四段最后一句“The magazine also addresses how to eat wisely and make better decisions regarding what you put into your body and how to practice yoga in your home.”可知,人们可以从该杂志中学会如何在家练习瑜 伽。故选 B。

4.The author wrote this passage to _________.

A tell people the benefits of Yoga

B remind people of advice and lessons

C provide people with much advice

D persuade people to buy the magazine

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句“If you are interested in yoga or just want to make yoga a part of a healthy lifestyle, Yoga Journal magazine provides the advice, information, and inspiration needed to be successful.”可以得知,作者在推荐该 杂志。另外,文章最后一句“Just choose to buy it” 更是明显呼吁人们购买这份杂志。故选 D。