Since she saved the first drowning person at the age of 17, Wu Yongxiu has never stopped saving lives. Over the past 40 years, she has saved 24 lives in water by putting her own life in danger many times. For this, Wu was honored as a national moral model(全国道德模范) on Oct. 13, 2015.
Wu lives in a village in southwest China’s Chengdu city. The Dongfeng Canal(东风运河)passes in front of her home. Growing up near the water, Wu swims like a fish. The river that Wu loves and hates at the same time takes lives every year.
In Wu’s village, a couple lost over 100,000 yuan in 2001. Unable to bear the blow, the couple jumped into the river to kill themselves. Wu tried her best to save the couple. "She gave us a second life. We must live for a better one," said Chen, one of the couple. "Not everyone is thankful to what I did," said Wu. In a cold winter night, she jumped into the river and saved a drowning man. Instead of saying thanks, the man was very angry. Wu talked with him a whole night till the person calmed down. Now Wu is already 58 years old. She is not as strong as in the past. However, she just saved a woman last month. "Saving life is a mission of my life, and I am ready to give my life to it."


1.How old was Wu Yongxiu when she first saved a life?

A 17.

B 27.

C 40.

D 58.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Since she saved the first drowning person at the age of 17,可知,故选A。

2.Wu lives in a village in _______ China’s Chengdu city.

A southeast

B southwest

C northeast

D northwest

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Wu lives in a village in southwest China’s Chengdu city.可知,故选B。

3.When people kill themselves in the Dongfeng Canal, Wu _______ the river.

A likes

B misses

C hates

D thanks


4.The underlined word “blow” means _______ in Chinese.

A 吹风

B 打击

C 殴打

D 吹奏


5.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A Everyone Wu saved thanked her very much.

B Over the past 17 years, Wu has saved 24 lives.

C Wu thinks it is her mission to save people’s life.

D Wu could swim faster than fish when she was young.

解析:选C。综合理解题。根据文中最后一句"Saving life is a mission of my life, and I am ready to give my life to it."可知,故选C。