Slow moving Typhoon Koppu(台风“巨爵) got to the north of Philippines on Sunday. It killed a man. Many people had to leave their homes.
The Typhoon Koppu becomes weak a lot on Monday, but it brings heavy rain and strong wind. It will keep raining these days. There is no electricity. People cannot see clearly at night and they also cannot make phones. A lot of houses are in the water. People didn’t take anything with them when they left their homes. No ships on the sea, no trains on the roads and no planes in the sky.
Koppu will stay in Philipines and it will bring 600 mm of rain over the next days.


1.Typhoon Koppu got to the ______ of Philippines.

A east

B west

C north

D south

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Slow moving Typhoon Koppu got to the north of Philippines Sunday.可知,故选C。

2.How many people died in Typhoon Koppu?

A Only one.

B Two.

C Three.

D Four.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句It killed a man.可知,故选A。

3.Typhoon Koppu brings _____ to Philippines.

A good luck

B snow

C fire

D rain

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句but it brings heavy rain and strong wind.可知,故选D。

4.Which is the right order? ①The rain will be 600 mm. ②Typhoon becomes weak. ③A man died in the Typhoon. ④Typhoon Koppu got to Philippines.

A ④②①③

B ④③②①

C ④①②③

D ③④②①


5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Typhoon Koppu got to the north of Philippines

B No electricity in Philippines

C It’s rainy in Philippines

D People want to go home.

解析:选A。文章标题题。 通读全文,可发现文章讲的是台风台风巨爵登陆菲律宾的北部,给菲律宾造成巨大破坏,故选A。