
In the field of engineering, men hold most of the jobs. But DiscoverE is hoping to change that. On February 25, DiscoverE, formally known as the National Engineers Week Foundation, will celebrate its annual Girl Day, to devote to inspiring girls to pursue engineering careers. Although women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy, they hold less than 25% in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The agency also reported that women hold a very low share of college degrees in these fields, particularly in engineering.

With such a large gender(性别) gap in STEM jobs across the country, DiscoverE says its goal is to demonstrate to girls the different fields available to them. It also intends to reveal the various myths that may be causing girls to shy away from this line of work. TFK spoke with Valecia Maclin, a director of cyber security at Raytheon, a technology company and one of DiscoverE’s corporate partners.

Maclin admits there are usually very few girls in engineering classes. Such was the case in her own experience, but rarely will there be only one girl in the class. She believes that this can work in favor of girls. “None will forget who you are and everyone will know who you are,” Maclin says. She adds that the pressure of being part of a small group can do more to increase determination, rather than fear.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women working full time only make about 79% of what men earn. However, STEM careers are usually in such high demand that even starting salaries are high. “In engineering, your performance is the driving force behind what you get paid, regardless of your gender.” Maclin says.



1.For what purpose does DiscoverE mark its Girl Day?

A To praise for engineers’ contribution on engineering.

B To show the hardship of pursuing engineering careers.

C To indicate its determination to continue its research.

D To encourage girls to seek engineering professions.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据首段第三句“will celebrate its annual Girl Day, to devote to inspiring girls to pursue engineering careers”可知DiscoverE将庆祝其一年一度的女生节,其目的是鼓励女性投身工程领域,故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “myths” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A Secret plans.

B High praise.

C Untrue ideas.

D Good intentions.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。划线单词所在句子可以理解为:它还打算揭示各种可能导致女性回避这一工作的myths,结合选项可知C选项“谬论”更符合文意,故选C。

3.According to Maclin, females engaging in engineering _________.

A are more likely to feel stressful

B earn about 21% more than men

C get paid the same as male engineers

D can’t develop well for gender differences

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“In engineering, your performance is the driving force behind what you get paid, regardless of your gender.”可知在工程领域,你的表现决定了你的报酬,而不是你的性别,故选C。

4.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A A finance report.

B A science magazine.

C An exhibition guide.

D An art show review.

解析:选B。B 文章出处题。纵观全文,文章主要讲述在美国的科学、技术、工程和数学领域的工作岗位女性所占比例较小,为此Maclin表达了自己的观点与看法。她呼吁女性勇于在这些领域,特别是工程领域崭露头角。从题材来看,文章当出自“科技杂志”,故选B。