
Yesterday Matt was sick. I picked up Archie from the sitter and Eloise from school and decided to run to the supermarket for a few things. I had hoped to be in and leave in a hurry.

I found just one person ahead of me and began organizing my items in advance. After placing my items, I looked up to see that the person ahead of me was an elderly woman. She was paying for her items with change and wanted to purchase each separately. I watched the young employee with this woman. I watched him help her count her change, ever so carefully taking it from her shaking hands. I listened to him repeatedly saying “yes, mam” to her. When she asked if she had enough to buy a bag, he told her she did and went two lines over to get one for her. Never once did this employee roll his eyes. He was nothing but patient and kind.

As I was watching him, I saw that Eloise was too. She was standing next to the woman, watching the employee count the change. I realized I hadn’t been inconvenienced at all. My daughter was being taught the valuable lesson by a complete stranger.

When the woman was finished, the employee began ringing up my items and thanked me for my patience. I then thanked him for teaching us patience and kindness by his treatment of that elderly woman. When he was finished I pushed my cart trying to find the manager. I wanted her to know of the employee’s great quality. After sharing the story with her, we left Target, but what was more, a heart full of gratitude for such an invaluable lesson.


1.Why did the author organize her items in advance?

A Because her baby was seriously sick.

B Because she had to pick up Archie.

C Because she wanted to leave here soon.

D Because she saw a woman before her.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的“I had hoped to be in and leave in a hurry”可以得知作者 是想快速离开,因此在付款前就整理好自己的物 品。故选 C。

2.What made the young employee work slowly?

A The elderly woman paid each item with change.

B The young employee’s hands shook all the time.

C The elderly woman could not afford a large bag.

D The young employee rolled eyes now and then.The young employee rolled eyes now and then.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“She was paying for her items with change and wanted to purchase each separately”可以得知,那位老妇人使 用的是零钱付款,并且把那些东西分开付款,这 导致了收银员的工作进度比较慢。故选 A。

3.What does “the valuable lesson” in the third paragraph mean?

A Going two lines to buy the old people a bag.

B Learning to count the change very quickly.

C Showing patience and kindness to the others.

D Standing next to the others without speaking.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据第二段最后一句的“He was nothing but patient and kind”可以得知,作者的女 儿从收银员那里学会了耐心友好地对待他人。故 选 C。

4.What is the writer’s purpose of finding the manager?

A To complain the long-time waiting.

B To praise the patient and kind employee.

C To thank for their high quality goods.

D To discuss the proper attitude to others.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段第四句“I wanted her to know of the employee’s great quality”,可以得知 作者想让经理知道员工的高素质,因此作者找经 理是想称赞那名耐心又友好的员工。故选 B。