When Yousafzai was just 11 years old, she started blogging(写博客) about the Taliban takeover (控制)of her hometown of Mingora, in northwestern Pakistan. The Taliban follows an extreme version of Islam, and believes young girls should not go to school. Classrooms throughout the Swat district of Pakistan, where Yousafzai lived, had been closed for several months. Yousafzai spoke out about her desire to go back to school. “All I want is an education,” she told one television broadcaster.
Yousafzai was later able to return to class. But she continued to blog and speak out about girls’ right to education. On October 9, 2012, the Taliban tried to silence her. A gunman boarded the truck she and her classmates used as a school bus and shot her in the head. But Yousafzai survived, and showed great courage and optimism during her long recovery. She became a symbol of the struggle for girls’ rights all over the world. Nine months after she was shot, she gave a now-famous speech at the United Nations, in New York City. “They thought that the bullets would silence us,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voices...Weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage [were] born.”
In 2014, she was awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. She is the youngest Nobel winner in history. In 2015, Yousafzai’s brave story hit the big screen, in the documentary He Named Me Malala. The director, Davis Guggenheim, spent more than 18 months with the Yousafzai family while creating the film. “She is an ordinary girl that became extraordinary because she made an extraordinary choice,” Guggenheim told TFK. “Malala feels that she was lucky when she survived and the reason why she’s been put on this Earth is to speak for girls who don’t have a voice.”


1.Who made Yousafzai leave school when she was 11?

A The Islam.

B The Taliban.

C The gunmen.

D The government.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据首段第二、三句可知,在马拉拉居住巴基斯坦斯瓦特地区的教室, 已经被塔利班组织关闭了好几个月,故选B。

2.What happened to her in 2012?

A She fought for boys’ right to education.

B She was seriously wounded in the attack.

C She was chosen as the newsmaker of 2015.

D She won Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句A gunman boarded the truck she and her classmates used as a school bus and shot her in the head. 可知,一名枪手登上她和她的同学作为校车的卡车,并开枪击中了她的头,故选B。

3.What is the topic of her speech in New York?

A She brings people true friendship.

B She gives people spiritual support.

C She helps people realize their dreams.

D Nothing can prevent her from criticizing.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句…out of that silence came thousands of voices...Weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage [were] born. 可推断出她认为子弹和杀戮是不能让她屈服的,故选D。

4.It can be concluded from Guggenheim’s words that she is a voice for_____.

A the rich

B the voiceless

C the managers

D the businessmen

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句…the reason why she’s been put on this Earth is to speak for girls who don’t have a voice可知,马拉拉天生就是为没有话语权的女孩代言的,故选B。