
    There are things that you can do each morning that can help set yourday on the right course. Your workday is, after all, incredibly long, so whyrisk starting off on the wrong foot? Here are 3 of the worst things you can doeach morning. Break them, and we promise you’ll have a better, healthierday.

    1. Hitting the snooze button. First things first: Hitting the snooze button.Why add unnecessary stress toyour day? Try going to sleep a little earlier to avoid having to hit the snoozebutton, or keep your alarm clock (or phone) far enough away from your bedthat you can still hear it but will have to get out of bed to turn it off.

    2. Steaming up your shower.Sure, a hot shower feels great when you wake up.It’s nice and relaxing — but that’s actually the problem. The heat istelling your nervous system that it’s time for your muscles to relax and yourheart rate to slow down, which can make you even more tired.

    3.Brushing your teeth rightafter you eat. Brushing your teeth after breakfast,especially if you’ve had some drink like coffee or fruit, can actually pushsugars to the surface of your teeth. In addition to brushing before you eat,drink a glass of water right after your meal to help your mouth feel a littlecleaner. Can’t stand the thought of brushing your teeth before breakfast? Wait30 to 60 minutes after eating to decrease tooth enamel wear.


1.How many things should you not do in the morning?

A 1.

B 2.

C 3.

D 4.


2.If you don’t want to hit the snooze button, you can_______.

A go to sleep a little earlier

B read more story books

C watch interesting films

D keep a watch near your bed

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第四句Try going to sleep a little earlier to avoid having to hit the snooze button, or keep your alarm clock…可知,故选A。

3.Why should you not take a hot shower in the morning?

A Because it can make you exciting.

B Because it can make you feel even more tired.

C Because it can make you feel nice.

D Because it can make your heart beat quickly.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句The heat is telling your nervous system that it’s time for your muscles to relax and your heart rate to slow down, which can make you even more tired.可知,故选B。

4.Drinking ______can help your mouth feel a little cleaner.

A a cup of tea

B a cup of coffee

C a cup of water

D a cup of milk

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段的第三句In addition to brushing before you eat, drink a glass of water right after your meal to help your mouth feel a little cleaner.可知,故选C。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Don’t brush your teeth right after you eat

B Don’t take a hot shower in the morning

C 3 things you shouldn’t do in the morning

D Sleep a little earlier every day

解析:选C。主旨大意题。根据第一段第三句Here are 3 of the worst things you can do each morning. Break them, and we promise you’ll have a better, healthier day.可知,故选C。