

It is customary(习惯的) in China to give money in red packets known as Hong Bao as gifts to the newlyweds(新婚夫妇). But is it OK to give cash? What kind of gift do you give in your country? 


    In the UK, some newlyweds post their “would like” list on specialist sites on the Internet or at the store. Friends, family and other invited guests can then see the wish list. They will buy the things the newlyweds need. It is great that people will not buy two or three of the same gifts at the same time.

    Milly (Italy)

    Most people in Italy give cash at weddings. Very few people give actual gifts. People write a check, put it in a nice wedding card and give it to them on the wedding day. That’s how most people do it and how it was done at my wedding.

    Wu Tian (Singapore)

    Yes, that is the way we do on the wedding day. It is the same as Chinese traditional custom. Cash goes in to a red envelope. People write their names and their wishes on the envelope. So you will know which envelopes are from which relatives, or friends of yours. And the amount of money you give totally depends on how close you are.


1.Bill is from _______.

A China

B Singapore

C Italy

D the UK


2.In Italy, people _______ at the wedding.

A give money in red packets

B write a check and give it to the newlyweds

C search information on the Internet.

D write their names and their wishes on the envelope

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第二句People write a check, put it in a nice wedding card and give it to them the day of the wedding.可知,故选B。

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Friends in the UK can see the newlyweds wish list on the Internet.

B Few people give actual gifts in Italy.

C In Singapore, cash goes into a red envelop.

D The newlyweds in the UK will receive a lot of same gifts at the wedding.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第四句It is great that people will not buy two or three of the same gifts at the same time.可知,故选D。

4.Where can you read the passage?

A In a story book.

B In a fashion magazine.

C In an advertisement.

D On a website.

解析:选D。文章出处题。根据文章第一段的第一句But is it OK to give cash? What kind of gift do you give in your country? 可知,它不会在时尚杂志上与广告中看到,也不会在故事书上看到,故选D。