

As extreme cold weather continues to move southward across China, bringing the lowest temperatures recorded in decades, northeastern parts of the country have already experienced some localized warming, the National Weather Service said on Sunday. Temperatures rose by up to 10 degrees in some regions on Saturday, yet China's national observatory continued to renew its orange alert for the cold wave moving south.

In central and eastern China, the temperature is expected to dip by 6 to 8 C between Sunday and Monday, while temperatures could hit-12 C in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The cold wave, which brought with it sharp temperature drops of up to 16 C across the country from Thursday evening, is expected to exit southern China beginning on Tuesday, allowing temperatures to climb back up to around the monthly average.

Over the weekend, many parts of China were hit by heavy snowstorms and some regions experienced record low temperatures. According to the local weather service, Beijing shivered (颤抖)through lows of-16 C on Saturday morning—close to the lowest recorded temperature in 30 year—before warming a little on Sunday afternoon. In Shanghai, the lowest temperature in 35 years was recorded on Sunday morning with a low of-7.2 C, not experienced in the city since 1981. 

A cold snap gripped Hong Kong on Sunday, with residents shivering as temperatures plunged (突降)to the lowest point in nearly 60 years and frost dusted the mountaintops of a city accustomed to a subtropical climate. "It is very cold and windy over Hong Kong. People are advised to put on warm clothes and to avoid prolonged exposure to wintry winds," read a statement on a city government website. 

The state-run People's Daily said on its Weibo social media account that the city of Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, had recorded its first snowfall since 1929. The cold weather affecting Guangzhou brought the first snowfall to it, the city's weather service said.


1.Why has China issued its second highest weather alert?

A The cold wave keeps going southward.

B Heavy snowstorms pay Xinjiang a visit.

C The cold wave is expected to move northward.

D Low temperatures appear in Tianjin as a guest.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句…China's national observatory continued to renew its orange alert for the cold wave moving south.可知,寒潮南下中国国家气象台继续发布低温橙色预警,故选A。

2.When will the cold wave leave the south of China?

A On Monday.

B On Friday.

C On Wednesday.

D On Tuesday.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句The cold wave… is expected to exit southern China beginning on Tuesday 可知,此次寒潮预计下周二开始退出中国南方,故选D。

3.What does the word “gripped” in the fourth paragraph probably mean?

A Discovered.

B Affected.

C Arranged.

D Ignored.


4.How did China Daily tell people officially about the weather in Guangzhou?

A On TV.

B On the radio.

C In a newspaper.

D On the Internet.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段首句The China Daily said on its Weibo social media account that the city of Guangzhou…可知,《中国日报》在其微博上发布消息,故选D。