澳大利亚一中学生在家上学 成绩与精英相差无几
澳大利亚一中学生在家上学 成绩与精英相差无几

  A student who has never seen the inside of a high school classroom has finished the year with a perfect exam score.

  Stephen Zhang, 17, has been home-schooled since year five and was one of 35 students, from the Australian State of Victoria, to achieve a top mark of 99.95 this year. “I was flabbergasted at first. It was honestly beyond any of my wildest expectations. My parents were very happy for me—we hugged and cried for a while,” said Stephen. His top marks were in line with top students from Melbourne private schools, including Melbourne Girls’ Grammar School and Camberwell Grammar School. The results also secured a national scholarship to study at the University of Melbourne next year.

  Stephen said home-schooling was not easy; he would often do up to 12 hours of study a day in preparation for his final exams. Parents Joseph and Sarah decided to bring him back from state school at year five to be more involved in his education. “My parents chose to home-school me because they valued the whole person instead of just academics, they also wanted to instill some personal qualities that they strongly believed in,” he said.  

  Stephen’s only experience of a state school was in a rural Victorian primary school up to year five. He remembers feeling lonely being the only child of Asian family background. He said home-schooling is better suited to his style of learning compared with the traditional school model as it could be specially designed for his strengths and needs. “During the early years of being taught at home by his mother, ”Stephen said, “they both had to learn the transition from mother and child, to a teacher and student relationship.”

  “When we started home-schooling, my mum had to basically learn how to teach,” he said. “And being my mum she was quite strict,” he laughed, “but my end of year results are really a testament(证明) to her and my father.”


1.The underlined word in Paragraph Two probably means ___________.

A amazed

B satisfied

C doubtful

D anxious

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据下文的“It was honestly beyond any of my wildest expectations.”可知,这个成绩Stephen连做梦都没有想到,因此flabbergasted意为“惊愕的,震惊的”。故选A。

2.We can infer from the passage that __________.

A Stephen’s parents don’t believe in the qualities of state schools

B the primary school Stephen was in did not welcome Asian children

C state schools only pay attention to children’s studies

D Joseph and Sarah taught Stephen textbooks at home with no breaks

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“My parents chose to home-school me because they valued the whole person instead of just academics”可知,Stephen的父母之所以让他从公立学校退学,在家中接受教育,是因为他们注重孩子整体发展,而不仅仅是学习成绩,由此判断,公立学校更多的关注学生的学术学习。故选C。

3.What is the advantage of Stephen’s home schooling?

A Home schooling gave him a chance of learning with relaxation.

B Home schooling was designed for his strengths and needs.

C Stephen wouldn’t feel lonely at home with his parents.

D His parents worked as teachers and taught him more strictly.

解析:选B。 B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“...home-schooling is better suited to his style of learning...as it could be specially designed for his strengths and needs”可知,家庭教育能因材施教,更好地发展孩子的长处,并满足其知识需求。故选B。

4.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A Home schooling proved to be better than state school education.

B One can make academic success without studying in a classroom.

C Australian parents educated child at home through hard word.

D 17-year-old student made great success through home schooling.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。综合文章第一、二段可知,本文的主要内容为:17岁中学生在家上学,没有接受学校教育,取得优异成绩。故选D。