
I was driving one day with both my teenage girls in the car. A crossroads was ahead. The fog was thick that day, and as I looked at the traffic light, I couldn’t figure out what it meant. The light was green, and my mind was blank. Panic rose in my chest—what was I supposed to do: go or stop? “What does a green light mean?” I asked my girls. They both shouted, “Go! Go! Mom, go!”

So I went. This was the first time I had noticed lapses(失误) in memory or judgment, but at this moment in time, I realized how vulnerable I really was and that the results could affect my children.

This was a turning point—I gave the kids, who were both licensed drivers, permission to “call me out” on my driving. If I seemed too tired or spacey to drive, they could tell me to pull over and take over the driving. Nowadays, I am better at telling beforehand if I am too tired or my mind is too cloudy to drive, and the girls accompany me.

I don’t know if other parents with illnesses feel like failures. I know that I have felt that way many times. More and more frequently, I find my kids taking care of me. Massage(按摩) sore muscles, make sure I eat, open jars and repeat what they have already told me. They find the memory loss and lack of concentration very annoying. My younger daughter commented on how I never used to watch movies more than once, but now that I can’t remember them very well, I’m okay with watching them again.

Teenagers have much more entertaining things to do than take care of their sick mom. I have watched my girls take responsibility when they should not have to, but they do anyway without complaint, with love, kindness and compassion. I see how compassionate they are to others who are ill. These are some powerful blessings.


1.What happened to the author at the crossroads?

A She was at a complete loss.

B She worried about the thick fog.

C She couldn’t see the traffic light.

D She felt nervous at the green light.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“…my mind was blank. Panic rose in my chest—what was I supposed to do: go or stop…”可知,当时作者完全不知所措了。 故选 A。

2.What does the underlined phrase probably mean?

A Having a rest in the car.

B Stopping the car by the roadside.

C Driving the car on the road.

D Explaining the reason clearly.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据前面的“I seemed too tired or spacey to drive”“我”太累或者精神恍惚而不能开 车以及后文的“they...take over the driving”她们接 替“我”开车,可推断她们叫“我”把车停下来。故 选 B。

3.The author mentioned her watching movies more than once in order to show that _________.

A she had time to watch movies

B she preferred to watch old movies

C she suffered from memory loss

D she couldn’t watch movies carefully

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“but now that I can’t remember them very well, I’m okay with watching them again.”可知,作者因为现在记 忆力不好,所以反复地看同一部电影。故选 C。

4.According to the text, the author’s illness made her daughters _________.

A learn to be confident

B learn to care about others

C learn to think of her interest

D feel proud of their responsibility

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“I have watched my girls take responsibility when they should not have to, but they do anyway without complaint, with love, kindness and compassion.”可知,作者因 为生病,两个女儿开始照顾她,从此懂得了同情、 关心他人。故选 B。

5.The text is mainly about _____.

A a car accident on a foggy day

B a big family full of love to each other

C a sick mother’s regret for her daughters

D the daughters’ love for their sick mother
