
   Jacques Cartier was a French explorer. Cartier wanted to find a route known as the “Northwest Passage”. Ships from Europe were sailing around Africa to get to India and China. It was believed that the Northwest Passage would provide a shorter route. If one found the Northwest Passage, a ship could reach China and India from the Pacific Ocean instead of the Indian Ocean. 
Cartier made three expeditions between 1534 and 1542. Cartier did not find the Northwest Passage, but he did explore the Saint Lawrence River and other areas in Canada. On one expedition, Cartier built a fort (营地) for the winter.
Toward the end of the winter, Cartier’s men became ill. Their arms and legs swelled (肿胀). Their teeth became loose and fell out. Many men died. The ones who did not die were too weak to even stand up. The men did not know it, but they had scurvy (坏血病). Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. Only Cartier and three of his men were healthy.
Cartier was worried that the nearby Native Americans would attack his fort if they knew the true condition of his men. For that reason, whenever a Native American came close to the fort, Cartier and his men shouted and sang. They made noise by banging ( 猛敲) sticks. They made it sound as if many busy, happy, and healthy people were inside the fort.
One day when Cartier saw a Native American he knew, Cartier went outside to talk with him. Cartier said that just one of his men was sick. Cartier asked how the Native Americans recovered from the disease. The Native American pointed to an evergreen tree. He told Cartier how to make a brew from its leaves. Cartier immediately made a brew and his men quickly recovered.

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1.Why did Cartier want to find the Northwest Passage?

A It was a short cut from Europe to Africa.

B He wanted to sail around the Pacific Ocean.

C He wanted to find a safe route for explorers.

D It made it possible to reach China and India in less time.

解析:选D。细节理解题。由第一段最后两句可知,人们认为The Northwest Passage能缩短从欧洲到达中国和印度的时间,故选D。

2.Which of the following can best describe Cartier?

A Brave and smart.

B Rude but determined.

C Generous and friendly.

D Dishonest but optimistic.

解析:选A。推理判断题。由第二段第一句可知,在1534 年到1542 年期间,Cartier一共进行了三次探险,由此可知他很勇敢;再由最后两段他巧妙地避免了被印第安人袭击并治好了部下的坏血病可知,他很聪明,故选A。

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to the fact that _____.

A they couldn’t stand up

B they developed scurvy

C most of them would die soon

D the Native Americans would attack them

解析:选B。词义指代题。由第三段中的...but they had scurvy 可知,The men didn’t know it 在文中指的是“他们不知道他们患了坏血病”。“it” 指的是他们患了坏血病这一事实,故选B。

4.Cartier’s men became ill because _____.

A they lacked vitamin C

B they were too busy to have a rest

C it was too cold at the end of the winter

D they were too weak before the expedition

解析:选A。细节理解题。由第三段中的Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C 可知,坏血病是由缺乏维生素C所导致的,故选A。

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A All of Cartier’s men were Americans.

B Cartier found the Northwest Passage.

C Cartier and his men were good at singing.

D Native Americans knew how to cure scurvy.

解析:选D。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,在印第安人的“帮助”下Cartier 的部下才得以康复,即印第安人知道如何治疗坏血病,故选D。