
        Are you interested in festivals of Thailand after watching the funny films from Xuzheng? Let's take a look at one of them. There is a __1_  festival in Thailand that people and animals celebrate together. It's the festival _2_ Thailand's elephants the Surin Elephant Round-upand Elephant Show(素林大象节), which  3  in the third week of November.

   People in Surin are good at _ elephants. The festival aims to show the importance of elephants to Thailand and people's relationships with them. Many tourists go to Thailand to _5_   it.

    First of all, there are the elephant parades. More than 300 elephants will parade. People _6_   in traditional Thai clothes. They decorate their elephants colorfully. After the parade, the elephants gather at a place to enjoy breakfast. The elephants will eat all the fruit up very quickly.

    There are quite _7  activities at the festival. For example,soccer matches, and dancing are all held between elephants to _ their strength and skills.

    Elephants have played an _ role in Thailand's history and culture.People used to use them in wars and they are now important for the logging industry and tourism. An elephant can _10  500 kg of logs. They are environmentally friendly compared to machines.


A bright

B clear

C especial

D special



A for

B to

C in

D by

解析:选A。festival for…表示……的节日。


A takes out

B takes place

C takes away

D happens

解析:选B。根据语境可知此处指举办节日。take out 拿出去;take away 拿走;take place 与happen 均表示发生。take place 指有计划的发生,happen 指偶然意外地发生,此处表示举办节日很明显是有计划的发生,故选B。


A feeding

B showing

C training

D following



A see

B watch

C look at

D join

解析:选B。根据句意:许多人去素林观看大象节。see 强调看的结果;watch 强调看能动的人或物;look at 强调看的动作;join 指加入某些组织或团体。


A wear

B put on

C dress up

D have

解析:选C。此处指人们盛装打扮,故用dress up。wear 指穿的状态;put on 指穿的动词;have 指拥有。


A a bit

B a little

C a few

D a lot

解析:选C。根据句意: 在节日上有很多活动。a bit of 相当于 a little 用于修饰不可数名词;a few 用于修饰可数名词;a lot表示程度,如果修饰名词,必须加上介词 of。


A see

B show

C happen

D invite



A safe

B fast

C important

D enough



A take

B carry

C bring

D get

解析:选B。结合上下文语境,可知此处指大象能够携带500公斤的圆木。take 带走;bring拿来;carry 指携带没有方向性;get 指达到。