

A businessman has caused an online debate after a picture emerged of him appearing to call out two roadside beggars who turned down his offer of a job.

The man, known only as “Mike”, noticed the pair holding up signs asking for cash and offered them some employment, according to his nephew Michael Wooldridge who lives in Muscatine, Iowa. But when they refused, Mike returned with a sign of his own—urging people not to give away their money.

A picture shows him holding up a sign saying “Offered these guys a job. They said no. Don’t give money.” He is standing next to a man who is holding a message saying “Broke and hungry”. The picture has caused debate online with some describing Mike’s actions as “awesome” while others have been more critical and questioned whether it was in fact a social experiment.

Mr Wooldridge posted the image on his Facebook page with the message “My uncle Mike offered these guys a job. My uncle said he was busy right now and they could help.But they said no so he did this! Wow, don’t give these guys any money.” When asked what the men had done when Mike approached them with the sign, Mr Wooldridge replied, “They left and he followed them to the next stop.”

The picture, which was taken next to a Taco Bell restaurant, has already been shared nearly 12,000 times on Facebook. It is also being debated on Reddit. It is not clear where or when exactly the image was taken.

One Facebook user said, “What they need the money for so quick? I’m sure if they worked the day with your uncle he would have given them something.” Another said, “If he wants help with something he needs to help himself as well.” But others said the men had done nothing wrong. One Imgur user posted,“There’s nothing wrong with somebody getting money by asking.”


1.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A A businessman’s actions caused online debate.

B A businessman offered two men jobs but was refused.

C Two guys begged for cash rather than jobs.

D Different opinions on begging money on the street.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。文章第一段为本文的主题段。根据主题段可知,迈克给街上两个乞讨的人提供工作遭拒后,举牌警示路人不要给他们钱,这张照片上传到社交网站后引起争论。故选A。

2.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A They thought what Mike had done to the guys was “warm-hearted”.

B Mr Wooldridge thought the two guys should not have accepted Mike’s offer.

C Someone doubted if the incident was a social experiment.

D All the people criticized Mike’s actions and showed pity to the guys.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段while others have been more critical and questioned whether it was in fact a social experiment可知,有些网友持批评态度,他们甚至怀疑这是在做社会实验,故选C。

3.What does “this” refer to in the fourth paragraph?

A Mike followed the two guys to the next stop.

B Mike held up a sign urging people not to give money.

C The two guys accepted Mike’s offer.

D The two guys moved on to the next stop to ask for money.

解析:选B。B 词义指代题。this为代词,根据上下文可知,this指代前文的Mike returned with a sign of his own—urging people not to part with their money,故选B。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Mike would pay the two guys a lot of money if they worked for him.

B The two guys needed money for urgent use.

C Not all people thought begging for money was shameful.

D He who helps others is helping himself in some way.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。文章最后一段引述了几个网友对这个事件的看法,尤其是“There’s nothing wrong with somebody getting money by asking”由此可见,他们认为讨钱的做法没有什么不对,不是什么丢人的事,故选C。