

The MEGADRONE big enough to carry a passenger: Chinese firm says self-flying craft could be used as a smart taxi. 

1. The all-electric vehicle has four arms with eight propellers at the end allowing it to travel up to 60mph.

2. Ehang(广州亿航公司)says the 184 is autonomous, so all the passenger has to do is enter their final destination into an app.

3. FAA (美国联邦航空局)regulators have not approved the drone for human use in the US, but Ehang is hopeful they will do soon.

4. Cost is yet to be revealed and the company claims a commercial version of the craft will be available this year.

A Chinese drone maker has revealed a giant quadcopter—big enough to fit a passenger.EHang claims to be building the world’s first “Autonomous Aerial Vehicle” for transporting people.Unveiled at CES(消费电子展)in Las Vegas and called the 184, the all-electric vehicle has four arms with a total of eight propellers at the end.

“You know how it feels to sit in a Ferrari(法拉利)? This is 10 times better,” George Yan, co-founder of Ehang said in an interview with

The company says the 184 is autonomous, so all the passenger has to do is enter in their destination in the smartphone app, sit back, and let the drone take over. There’s no option to take control of the 184 remotely. The cockpit(驾驶舱)is empty, apart from a stand to place a smartphone or tablet and a cup holder.

“I think in all of us there is that little kid says 'I want to fly',” said Yan. “I don’t want to get a pilot license after five or 10 hours of flying, I want to do it right away. We’re making that dream happen.”

EHang’s independently developed Fail-Safe System ensures that if any components malfunction, or if there’s damage while the AAV is in-flight (i.e. from a bird), the aircraft will immediately begin taking the necessary precautions to ensure safety. The 184’s Fail-Safe System automatically evaluates the damage and determines whether the AAV will need to land to ensure its passenger’s safety.

The EHang 184 AAV flight control systems have multiple sets of sensors that provide the drone a constant stream of real-time data.The 184’s communication system was also designed with a safety guarantee: every system is encrypted, and each AAV comes with an independent key.In the event of an emergency, passengers can elect to halt flight and simply hover in the air with just one click. 

The fully ready-to-fly 184 is a manned drone capable of automatically carrying a passenger through the air, simply by entering a destination into its accompanying smartphone app.The 184 uses multiple independent flight control systems to automatically navigate passengers from point A to point B. The EHang 184 has built in reinforcements for all flight systems, so that in the unlikely event that a component does fail, multiple backups are already in place to seamlessly take over. 



1.How many arms and propellers is the drone equipped with?

A Four arms and eight propellers.

B Eight arms and Four propellers.

C Four arms and four propellers.

D Eight arms and eight propellers.


2.From the passage, we know the Ehang ________.

A will manufacture the 184 in batch commercially this fall

B is the first Chinese firm that launch such auto drone shown at CES in California

C hasn’t got approval from FFA for human use until now

D ensures the 100% safety of the self-flying in the unlikely event

解析:选C。细节理解题。A只说在今年推出商业版;B错在是加州, 文中提及的是拉斯维加斯。D没有百分百之说。根据文章第3小点可知答案选C。

3.According to the passage , the attitude of author toward the drone is relatively_______________.

A satisfactory

B pessimistic

C neutral

D Practical


4.From the context, The best title will possibly be___________________.

A Ehang 184, 10 times better than Ferrari

B One of wonderful aerial vehicles

C The megadrone capable of carrying a passenger

D Successful drone maker
