
Freedom and I have been together 11 years this summer. When Freedom came in she could not stand and both wings were broken. We made the decision to give her a chance at life, so I took her to the vets office. From then on, I was always around her. I used to sit and talk to her, urging her to live, to fight; and she would lay there looking at me with those big brown eyes. 

This went on for 4-6 weeks, and by then she still couldn't stand. It got to the point where the decision was made to euthanize(使安乐死) her if she couldn't stand in a week. She was going to be put down that Friday, and I was supposed to come in on that Thursday afternoon. I didn't want to go to the center that Thursday, because I couldn't bear the thought of her being euthanized; but I went anyway, and when I walked in everyone was grinning from ear to ear. I went immediately back to her cage; and there she was, standing on her own, a big beautiful eagle. She was ready to live. I was just about in tears by then. That was a very good day.

In the spring of 2000, I was diagnosed with cancer, so I wound up doing 8 months of chemo. When I felt good enough, I would go to Sarvey and take Freedom out for walks. Freedom would also come to me in my dreams and help me fight the cancer. This happened time and time again. I was told that if the cancer was not all gone after 8 rounds of chemo, then my last option was a stem cell transplant. Anyway, they did the tests; and I had to come back Monday for the results. I went in Monday, and I was told that all the cancer was gone.


1.What did the writer do to help Freedom?

A She lay there talking with the bird.

B She turned to the vets for its treatment.

C She looked at the bird with big eyes.

D She made a decision to move around her.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第1段第3句We made the decision to give her a chance at life, so I took her to the vets office可以得知作者决定给小狗寻找兽医给其治病,故选B。

2.Freedom would be euthanized if she couldn’t ______.

A fight with her disease

B stand all by herself

C fly very high as usual

D talk with other people

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第2段第2句if she couldn't stand in a week可以得知如果老鹰不能够自己站立,就会被实施安乐死,故选B。

3.Why did the writer think Thursday was “a very good day”?

A Because she could talk with Freedom.

B Because everyone in the house laughed.

C Because she had made a right decision.

D Because the bird could continue to live.

解析:选D。推理判断题。 根据第二段倒数第3句和倒数第4句的I went immediately back to her cage; and there she was, standing on her own, a big beautiful eagle. She was ready to live.可以得知老鹰能够继续活下来,而不用实施安乐死了,因此作者认为这一天是很好的一天,故选D。

4.How did Freedom help the writer?

A By walking with the writer.

B By paying for the chemo.

C By providing the stem cell.

D By giving spirit support.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第3段第3句Freedom would also come to me in my dreams and help me fight the cancer可以得知Freedom来到作者的梦中,因此老鹰给以的是精神支持,所以该题的正确答案为D。

5.When knowing the results on Monday, the writer must feel ______.

A upset

B sorry

C glad

D anxious

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句的and I was told that all the cancer was gone可以得知得知自己的肿瘤消失了,因此作者肯定感觉到很高兴,故选C。