
Taiwan singer Christine Fan, also known as Fan Fan, has announced a piece of exciting and surprising news that she is pregnant with twins on her Weibo. 

For her age, the chance of becoming pregnant with twins is less than 8 percent. According to Fan, the twins will be named "da xiongmao" and "xiao xiongmao", which are literally translated into big panda and small panda, respectively.

Christine Fan was born on March 18, 1976 and she is now 38 years old. She is an American-born Taiwanese singer and actress. She became a singer in 1999. She also hosted the variety show, Bang Bang Tang on Channel V in Taiwan. As a prolific singer, Fan has released 12 albums since hitting the Chinese music scene in the year 2000. She is known for her hit songs "First Dream" and "One to One." She also composes and writes lyrics for herself as well as other artists, including Claire Kuo, Angela Chang, Freya Lim, and the girl group Hey Girl.

The twins' father is also a famous TV host, Chen Chien-Chou. He used to be a professional basketball player. He maintained a relationship with Fan Fan for 10 years and got married in 2011.

The couple is active in charity work, most notably being the co-founder and spokespeople for the Love Life campaign to help some children patients.


1.It is surprising for Christine Fan to be pregnant with twins because____.

A A.she doesn’t want to have baby at all

B B.she wants to have baby so much

C C.the chance of becoming pregnant with twins is less than 8 percent

D D.the chance of becoming pregnant with twins in her age is less than 8 percent

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第二段第一句话可知,在38岁这个年龄怀上双胞胎的几率为8%,这就是惊喜所在,故选D。

2.How old was Christine Fan when she became a singer?

A 18

B 20

C 23

D 25

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。从第三段可知,范玮琪1976年出生,1999年成为歌手,可算出她成为歌手时是23岁,故选C。

3.According to the passage, Christine Fan writes lyrics for many artists EXCEPT____.

A Hey Girl

B Angela Chang

C herself

D Andi Lau

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。从第三段可知,范玮琪为许多艺人写歌,也为她自己写歌,但文章并没有提到她为刘德华写歌,故选D。

4.We can know from Paragraph 4 that ____.

A Chen Chien-Chou is a basketball player

B Chen Chien-Chou is a sports reporter

C Chen Chien-Chou have been with Christine Fan for over 10 years

D Chen Chien-Chou got married in 2001

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。从第四段可知,范玮琪夫妇相爱十年后于2011年完婚,可以算出两人相识十多年,故选C。

5.The couple started the Love Life campaign in order to____.

A be famous

B help cancer patients

C help some sick kids

D earn more money

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从最后一段可知范玮琪发起Love Life campaign的目的是帮助病患儿童,文中children patients与C选项sick kids意思相符,故选C。

6.Kids learned the signs of a stroke by ______.

A looking at the pictures

B mitating the signing

C observing the patients

D watching a film

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句Andrea Esteban tried to smile with half her face, and her third-grade classmates laughed. Matthew Velez struggled to speak, “Luh, luh, uh, gronk,” and the kids burst into laugher可知孩子们是通过模仿表演的形式来了解中风的症状的。

7.Most of strokes are caused by ______.

A eating delicious snacks

B bleeding in the brain

C clots blocking blood flow

D sudden heart attacks

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句the majority is caused by a clot(血块) that blocks blood flow, starving brain cells可知大多数中风是由血栓引起的

8.The drug TPA can treat strokes by ______.

A breaking up blood clots

B slowing down blood flow

C speeding up heart beats

D lowering blood pressure

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句The drug TPA can dissolve those clots可知TPA是通过溶解血栓来治疗中风的。

9.What is the most important factor when it comes to a stroke?

A Time.

B Place.

C Doctors.

D Equipment.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二段第四、五句only if it’s given within three to four hours of the first symptoms, and the sooner the better可知,抢救中风病人关键是时间:发现越早越好。