

ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo on Monday shot down the idea that a state campaign public finance system would take big money out of politics.

Cuomo said the controversial 2010 Citizens United decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that prohibits the restriction of independent political spending makes a "mockery" of public campaign finance systems like in New York City that seek to reduce the flow of big donations.

“You're not going to get the money out of the system until the federal government changes the court or the law or both,” Cuomo said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show.”

“The money is coming in. ... It's going to be big money and big donations because the federal law guarantees that with this Citizens United case that has institutionalized(使...合制度) big anonymous(匿名的) money.”

Cuomo did not say whether he would follow Mayor de Blasio's lead in returning donations from Glenwood Management, which was caught up in the corruption trials of former Senator Majority Leader Dean Skelos and former Assembly(议会)Speaker Sheldon Silver.

In the wake of(由于;紧随) the recent convictions of the two top legislative leaders, Cuomo said he will push for another ethics reform package when the Legislature returns in January.


1.What does the Gov. Cuomo mean?

A A government led by Cuomo.

B A government which is charge of Cuomo.

C A government which have some relationship with Cuomo .

D A government administrating Cuomo.

解析:选A。细节理解题。这是由Cuomo领导的政府之意。B中的in charge of 负责,in the charge of 由……负责。C不明确。D中administrate管理。

2.From the para. 2, we know___________.

A The restriction of independent political spending will be allowed.

B Cuomo seems to disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision.

C The 2010 Citizens United decision by the U.S. Supreme Court ignites no controversy.

D The state campaign public finance system is more than complete.

解析:选B。细节理解题。最高法院是prohibit the restriction,所以B不对;原句说:the controversial decision,所以C也不对;既然引起争议,所以D答案说这种制度非常完善,显然不对。

3.From the context, the underlined part in Para.1 means__________.

A Agree with a voice as loud as a shot.

B Disagree with a voice as loud as a shot.

C Reject without any consultation.

D Deny violently.


4.From the context, we can infer___________________.

A The Cuomo has decided to return his donation.

B The decision by the Supreme Court will probably discourage more corruption.

C Glenwood Management is one of organizations who donates money to campaign.

D Cuomo pushed for the ethic reform just for the victory of his campaign.

解析:选C。细节理解题。因为Glenwood Management 卷入了腐败案件,间接说明了这个机构向竞选活动捐款了;A可以从原句找出,Cuomo还没有决定;根据前两位立法会高层定罪一事,可知这个法案有可能是鼓励腐败,而不是相反。