
The Little League World Series is the largest competition, for the best young baseball players in the world. This year, there is a player getting special attention for throwing the ball very fast. But this player is getting even more attention because, in a game mainly played by boys, she is a girl. 

Mo'ne Davis is not the first girl to play Little League baseball. Back in 1950, Kathryn Johnston Massar cut her hair, called herself "Tubby", and joined a Little League baseball team in the city of Corning, New York. When it was discovered that she was a girl, the league created a rule banning(禁止)girls from playing. The "Tubby rule", as it was known, would stand for 24 years.

Baseball is mainly a boy’s sport, but Mo'ne Davis is outstanding at it. It is reported that she can throw the ball over 100 kilometers an hour. She is not just a good player. She is also a good teammate. 

The 13-year old baseball player is making history at this year's Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. This is not only because she is one of the few girls to have made it this far, but because she is such a good player. She has been on the front page of her hometown paper. TV ratings of her games are the highest ever on the sports network ESPN for Little League baseball. And she will be the first Little League player ever to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine in late August.


1.Mo'ne Davis is getting special attention in the Little League World Series because _______.

A she is a girl and throws the ball very fast

B she is only thirteen years old

C she is the first girl to play Little League baseball

D she has ever been on the front page of her hometown paper

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。由第一段的最后两句可知,这位棒球队员之所以引人注目,是因为她是女生而且,打棒球的速度非常快。故选A。

2.The Little League World made a rule called _________ to stop girls from playing baseball.

A Massar rule

B Kathryn rule

C Tubby rule

D Johnston rule

解析:选C。细节理解题。由第二段的“When it was discovered that she was a girl, the league created a rule banning girls from playing. The "Tubby rule," as it was known, would stand for 24 years.”可知“当棒球联合会发现Kathryn Johnston Massar 是个女孩时下的禁令,故选C。

3.The underlined word “outstanding” in the passage means __________ in Chinese.

A 有兴趣的

B 震撼的

C 出众的

D 有瘾的

解析:选C。C 猜测词义题。依据本词在上下文的意思可以推测这里为“棒球主要是男生们的运动,而Mo’ne Davis 在这方面表现非常突出。故选C。

4.Mo’ne Davis can throw the baseball _________.

A less than 100 kilometers an hour

B more than 100 kilometers an hour

C less than 24 kilometers a minute

D more than 24 kilometers a minute

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。依据第三段的“It is reported that she can throw the ball over 100 kilometers an hour.”可知她每小时能打100多公里。故选B。

5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A TV ratings of Mo’ne Davis’s games are the highest.

B Mo’ne Davis is not only a good player but also a good teammate.

C Mo’ne is the first Little League player in her country.

D Mo’ne is one of the few girls to play baseball.

解析:选C。C 综合性判断题。由最后一段的“TV ratings of her games are the highest ever on the sports network ESPN for Little League baseball.”可知她的比赛是收视率最高的,可判断A与原文相符;由第三段的“She is not just a good player. She is also a good teammate. ”可判断B与原文相符;由第二段的“Mo'ne Davis is not the first girl to play Little League baseball.”可判断C与原文不符。

6.How long will MARY POPPINS last in The Fireside?

A About a week.

B About a month.

C About two months.

D About half a year.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据April 23 –June 21, 2014可知这部MARY POPPINS(欢乐满人间)音乐剧将在Fireside剧院公演2个月左右。

7.We can learn that MARY POPPINS is a______.

A comedy

B tragedy

C cartoon

D stand-up

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据brings joy to his children/ with delightful music, dancing, and laughter /joyful dancing, and a treasure chest full of magic and fun等信息可以判断,“欢乐满人间”是部喜剧。

8.If a husband and wife go to see MARY POPPINS on Mother's Day, how much will they pay for the tickets in total?

A $ 50.00.

B $ 100.00.

C $ 77.40.

D $ 137.90.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据Celebrate the Fireside's 50th Anniversary Weekend with $50.00 adult theatre tickets on May 10 - 11, 2014 which is also Mother's Day Weekend可知母亲节那天成年人票价为每人50美元,故B项正确。

9.What will The Fireside provide to the audience before the show?

A Water.

B Souvenirs.

C Food.

D Gifts.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据表格内的Free Dinner 可知在开演前剧院为观众提供免费食品。