

Heat Harvest is the brainchild(脑力劳动的产物)of two students who attended a two-week workshop at a “future-living lab” in Copenhagen(丹麦首都哥本哈根)called Space 10.

Sergey Komardenkov and Vihanga Gore, from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction(互动)wanted to design a piece of furniture capable of turning wasted heat back into electricity.They also forecast that the technology could be inserted in portable pads. The table would use thermoelectricity(热电)to capture wasted heat and convert it into electricity.

A warm item would likely be placed on a thermoelectric generator, which is not visible in the conceptual images, while a phone would be placed on, or near, a wireless charging pad to power-up(加电). The technology incorporated(使合并, 并入)in the design uses basic physics by exploiting the differences in temperature between two surfaces to generate electricity.

On an atomic scale, the temperature difference causes charge carriers in the material to diffuse(传播)from the hot side to the cold side of a generator.

So electrons at the hot end will have more energy than those at the cold end and will move around more towards the cold end, The Naked Scientists explain. Eventually the cold end becomes more negatively charged and the hot end more positively charged. This phenomenon, where a temperature difference can create a voltage(电压), is known as the thermoelectric effect.


1.What is Heat Harvest used for ?

A It will be used to power up some portable pad.

B It will be used as an equipment to capture wasted heat.

C It will be used to charge some table.

D It will be used for generate electricity.

解析:选D。细节题。根据第二段最后一句The table would use thermoelectricity(热电)to capture wasted heat and convert it into electricity.可知是为了发电。

2.According to the underlined part in Para.2, what could be inferred?

A All heat will be turned into electricity.

B All wasted heat will be likely turned into electricity.

C Only wasted heat will be turned into electricity.

D Not all wasted heat will be turned into electricity.


3.From the passage, we know___________.

A The Heat Harvest has not been created actually.

B The Heat Harvest exploits the temperature difference to generate electricity.

C Charge carriers diffuse from the cold side to the hot side of a generate.

D The Heat Harvest will be used widely in industry and agricultural field.

解析:选B。细节题。 根据第三段最后一句The technology incorporated(使合并, 并入)in the design uses basic physics by exploiting the differences in temperature between two surfaces to generate electricity.可知答案. A.D 均未明确提及;C应该是从热端到冷端。

4.What side will be more negatively charged?

A cold side.

B hot side.

C both sides

D the table.

解析:选A。细节题。根据最后一段. Eventually the cold end becomes more negatively charged and the hot end more positively charged. 得知答案。