

Pope(教皇) Francis' arrival Sunday in the former French colony marked the first time in the modern era a pope had set foot inan active conflict zone, according to CNN senior Vatican(梵蒂冈)analyst John Allen. 

Thousands of people have been killed and hundreds of thousands left home since the ouster of President Francois Bozize, a Christian, by a overwhelmingly Muslim alliance of rebels in 2013, making the country of 5 million people live in disorder. 

About 15% of the country's population is Muslim, according to the CIA World Factbook, with the rest favoring Christian or local beliefs.

Brutal reactive attacks between territorial army from the Christian majority and Muslim minority ensued, creating one of the world's greatest humanitarian disasters. In recent months, a series of violence has left more than 60 people dead.

But the instability has not stopped the Pope from traveling in an open-topped pope mobile, or mixing with crowds throughout the capital.

On a visit to the St. Sauveur internally displaced persons camp Sunday in central Bangui(中非共和国首都班吉), home to about 3,000 people drove out of their home by the conflict, Francis laid his hands on children's heads in a gesture of blessing.

"My wish for you and for all Central Africans is peace," he told them.

In further comments as he delivered Mass(弥撒,一种宗教仪式) in the capital Sunday, he called on the warring parties to lay down their arms.


1.For what reason did Pope set his foot in Central African?

A Because Pope has never been there.

B Because Pope would like to pay a visit to his relatives.

C Because Pope wishes to deliver Mass for his African people.

D Because Pope hopes to comfort the people and brings peace over there.


2.From the passage, it can be inferred that _____.

A The Pope really worries about the situation in Central African.

B The warring factions will cease their internal war.

C Different religious people wish to live harmoniously.

D Central African was still in warring situation before Pope paid his visit to it.

解析:选A。判断题。 B,C 都没有直接的信息可依据。D也是。从最后一段可知只有A才是明确的。

3.What did Pope bring to the Central Africa?

A Lots of food and money.

B Many necessary materials needed in Central Africa.

C Best wishes-peace.

D Mass ceremony.


4.What reasons in the final analysis lead to the conflict in Central Africa to?

A Poverty

B Religion

C War

D Killing
