

In the fall of 1863, two families pushed into the northern edge of Bear Lake Valley, quickly built a log cabin with a dirt floor and then hunkered(蹲下) down to endure the brutal winter.

The settlers had big plans. They wanted to start farms and establish a village with a grand church at its center. As years passed and more people arrived, they decided to name their new village for the man who plotted it, Frederick Perris, but to spell it differently — ambitiously—in honor of a faraway urban ideal.

Yet, just as they were arriving, the world was starting to change. The relentlessly upward arc of carbon emissions(排放) that cause climate change was fully underway, fueled by industrialization.

Now world leaders are meeting in the other Paris to try to forge a historic agreement to reduce carbon emissions. And this Paris, despite the miniature Eiffel Towers displayed in the few surviving store fronts, may never have seemed so far away.

“Oh, I can hardly watch it,” Dave Kramer, the general manager of a new phosphate(磷酸盐) mine under development here, said of the global climate talks. “It makes me laugh because it’s just so silly.”


1.Why did the settlers near the Bear Lake Valley name their new village for the man, Frederick Perris?

A Because he is their leader.

B Because he is their relative.

C Because he is the man who plotted the village.

D Because his name is similar to the word Paris.

解析:选C。细节题。第二段最后一句they decided to name their new village for the man who plotted it, Frederick Perris就说明了答案。D答案只是命名的间接原因。

2.What does the “this Paris” in the Paragraph four mean?

A It means the Frederick Perris.

B It means the Capital of French.

C It means the Bear Lake Valley.

D It means the miniature Eiffel Towers of Paris.

解析:选A。细节题。根据第四段第一句,世界领导人在真正的巴黎开会。而this Paris只是代指 Frederick Perris这个地方。

3.Why do the world leaders gather in Paris?

A For the problem of terrorism.

B For the problem of Paris.

C For the problem of carbon emission.

D For the problem of climate change.


4.What will be the right title for the passage?

A Climate change underway.

B Carbon emission underway.

C Historic meeting in Paris.

D Historic agreement in Paris.

解析:选A。主旨题。全文均是与气候有关的。B答案carbon emission是体现气候变化的一个具体部分。