

Do you ever think that it's kind of crazy that we can order pizza from our cellphones and yet no one can figure out how to stop (or at least slow) the inevitable march towards death? Well, you're not alone.

Science has been trying to figure out this whole aging thing for a long time now, and a new development just could be one of those watershed(分水岭) moments in history.

According to the New Zealand Herald, a new anti-aging(抗衰老的) drug is going to be tested on human subjects starting next year. The potential result of this could mean that we, human beings, could extend our life spans to 120 years of age and be in good health to the very end.

The drug in question is a widely used diabetes(糖尿病) pill called Metformin(二甲双胍) and costs mere cents to make. Metformin helps to increase oxygen flow on the cellular level, thereby slowing the necessary cell divisions that keep our bodies both functioning correctly but ultimately lead to aging.

Belgian researchers have tested the drug on roundworms, and have had positive results so the next step is to do a human trial.

“I have been doing research into aging for 25 years and the idea that we would be talking about a clinical trial in humans for an anti-aging drug would have been thought inconceivable,” says aging expert Professor Gordon Lithgow.

“But there is every reason to believe it's possible. The future is taking the biology that we've now developed and applying it to humans.”

Let's just hope that cosmetic surgery(整容手术) can keep apace of these new developments.


1.What does the first Paragraph mean?

A So far the march towards death has been an inevitable thing.

B You are not the only person who feel sad when you will die in the future.

C Modern technology can’t stop the human being from the march towards death.

D Except you, many people know the march towards death.

解析:选A。细节题。最后一句you are not alone.其实是指你并不是唯一一个认为我们能用手机订披萨却没有人知道如何阻止或者延缓死亡这件事有些疯狂的人。所以B,D不对。根据第一段,人们不知道如何阻止死亡不代表不能,故C也不对。故选A比较合理。

2.The main meaning of the passage is ______.

A The human being can’t avoid the fate of aging.

B Even though the scientists have been doing some research into aging, they achieve no much progress.

C Human being can extend their life a little bit with the development of science in medicine.

D New anti-aging drug could extend human life span to a higher level.


3.According to what Professor Gordon Lithgow said, the realization of clinical trial in human being for an anti-aging drug will be ______.

A impossible

B possible

C challenging

D inconceivable


4.What people will benefit from the development of science in medicine?

A Sick ones.

B Healthy ones.

C Ugly ones.

D All human beings.
