

President Barack Obama has had a big year. Obama has focused on many of the issues that have been important, like the environment, health care, and America’s relations with the rest of the world. He has also tried to help students and workers.

In June, the Obama administration scored a big win when the Supreme Court supported an important part of the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare. This health care law is one of Obama’s signature achievements—and one of the things his opponents most want to undo.

Obama also achieved several of his foreign-relations goals in 2015. In October, a nuclear accord with Iran that had been many months in the making received final approval. The deal, which Republicans and even some Democrats strongly opposed, eases restrictions on Iran in exchange for promises that the nation will not try to build nuclear weapons and will allow its nuclear sites to be monitored by an international body.

President Obama spoke up for this year the rights of working people and students. He signed laws that promise paid time off for sick workers and fair wages for those who work overtime. He also revealed his America’s College Promise plan, which aims to make higher education more affordable by providing, among other things, free community college to all students.


1.Which of the following best describes the Affordable Care Act according to Paragraph 2?

A The opponents’ victory.

B Republicans’ victory.

C Congress’s victory.

D Obama’s victory.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段末句This health care law is one of Obama’s signature achievements…可知这项医改法案是奥巴马标志性的成就之一,他的竞争对手最不愿意让他通过这项法案,故选D。

2.When did the deal of nuclear accord with Iran get last approval?

A In July.

B In June.

C In September.

D In October.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句In October, a nuclear accord with Iran that had been many months in the making received final approval.可知在十月份,美国与伊朗进行数月的核谈判终于取得最后的成果,故选D。

3.For what purpose did Obama make America’s College Promise plan known?

A To increase higher education’s cost.

B To cut higher education’s cost.

C To cut health care’s cost.

D To increase health care’s cost.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段末句......which aims to make higher education more affordable by providing……可知该计划的目的是让大学教育的费用变得“担负得起”,言外之意是,多措并举来减少大学教育的费用,故选B。

4.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A A news report.

B A science magazine.

C An exhibition guide.

D An art show review.
